Chapter 16.

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☾*✲⋆.✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


"Why aren't you coming with us?" I asked Sky and Riven. We were going on a mission to find Tecna but apparently they weren't going with us.

"We wanted to go but they asked us to stay, we're on high alert." Sky informed us.

"With Valtor around they don't want the whole crew gone at once." Adan added as he patted my head while I huffed at his actions.

"I wish we could go with you, but you guys will do fine, I'm sure of it." Sky smiled. "Just remember that Omega is a very dangerous place, so make sure to keep your guard up and be careful."

"We're ready." Timmy announced. "Let's go."

"Let's go get Tecna!" Stella cheered.

"Good luck!" Sky wished.

Riven gave us a small smile. "See ya."

"be careful!" Sky called out as went into the ship, when we all were inside we took off.

"Tecna's actually coming back!" Timmy grinned. "We're going to get to go to the fall formal together."

Adan raised an eyebrow. "Is that really what's on your mind?"

"Well yeah." Timmy admitted. "Tecna and I each took online dance lessons and we never got to try them out.."

"It'll be good times." Brandon assured.

"Did I hear someone say fall formal?" Stella questioned as she ruffled Brandon his hair.

Brandon laughed. "I promise I'll get my tux soon."

"How are you feeling?" I asked Timmy as my eyebrows furrowed in slight concern for my friend.

Timmy beamed at me catching me off guard. "Better than I have in a really long time!" 

"We're getting close." Helia informed, it was getting colder and colder by the second.

"So what's our strategy?" Brandon prompted.

"We try to find Tecna as fast as we can." Timmy answered.

"Should we update our coordinates?" Adan suggested.

"Good idea!" Timmy agreed, and so they did.

"We're almost there so you've gotta tell me where you want me to land." Brandon said.

"Okay if I take the wavelength from Tecna's original signal, I can match it to these frequencies and analyze it.." Timmy rambled. "And I think I've got it!"

"You've got it?!" I questioned and I couldn't help but smile brightly.

"Yeah, this should be accurate to within a 100 meters or so." Timmy explained. "So we're going to have to head North." After a while we landed.

"This is such a missed outfit opportunity, my faux fur coat would've been a divine choice!" Stella complained as we walked out of the ship.

I shivered at the cold that was getting worse by the second. "It's freezing."

"What a shame.." Stella whined. "I have the cutest matching earmuffs too." We walked past a frozen figure. "Hello, sombody put a shirt on that guy!" Stella commented making me bite back a laugh. "If you're going to freeze some dude for eternity at least try to make him look good."

"We're almost there!" Timmy informed. "It looks like she's only a few feet away." The locator started beeping. "Here we go, that's it." He picked up a transmitter. "It's the transmitting device that Tecna used but where is Tecna?" He looked around, but nothing. "If we didn't get here in time, to help Tecna I'll never be able to forgive myself."

"You've got to stay positive." Brandon advised. "Tecna's smart and she's strong and it looks like we have some company.." I turned to see us surrounded by prisoners.

"Hey it's cool, we're not looking for trouble." Timmy tried to explain.

A prisoner cackled. "Is that right? You're just down here in the Omega Dimension doing a little sightseeing, we'll show you some sights then."

I rose an eyebrow at the hideous ragged looking prisoner. "I think we're good."

Timmy frowned. "All we're trying to do is find our friend so let us keep looking for her okay?" 

The prisoner slashed at Timmy but Adan jumped in front of him, blocking the attack with his sword. "Back off a little, you're too close buddy." All the boys went into battle.

"Enchantix!I felt myself rise up in the sky and my arms immediately started glowing; elbow length gloves covered them, beautiful sandal like straps went up from my feet and reached just under my knees. Sparkles surrounded my neck, creating my Fairy dust bottle. A big water bubble surrounded me and when it burst I was in my Fairy outfit. I twirled around until my huge sparkly wings formed on my back with accessories hanging on the tips of my wings. Ghidorah circled around me and that's when my transformation ended.

"Sound Wave Attack!" Musa shot waved at the prisoner, knocking him away.

"Water Ray!" A huge ray of water shot out of my hands sending some prisoners flying.

"We always need some light!" Stella smirked. "Sunbeam Shower!

The prisoners kept firing at us so we all summoned our shields. "Enchanted Morphix!" Layla captured the prisoners with her magic but that only made them angrier, they got out of the morphix.

"I don't like stepping in stuff and I don't like pink!" A prisoner growled, all the prisoners started cornering us, I was about to attack them when we all suddenly slipped off the edge. The feeling of falling washed over me as the harsh cold wind rushed through me and the last thing I heard were the panicking cries of the boys.

While I could do nothing but welcome the darkness.

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