Chapter 26.

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I shot forward with Bloom, Flora and Nereus behind me, going right after Tritanus and Icy who have captured Layla.

My attention was grabbed when a huge explosion erupted, it was coming from the Light Pillar, where all the Mutants are, Flora grabbed onto my arm and gave me a worried look.

"They need help!" Flora exclaimed.

"Go!" I instructed as I looked at both Bloom and Flora. "Both of you."

"But-" Bloom and Flora were about to protest but I shook my head.

"I got this." I determined and without waiting for an answer I swam off, I continued going after Tritanus, my only goal is to save Layla, I started feeling impatient by the second. "How much farther to the Emperor's Throne?"

"We're almost there [Name]." Atlantis informed.

I exchanged glances with Nereus. "We must get there, to save Layla and to stop Tritanus from activating the throne." We continued our way until I saw something in the distance, something that stood out the most.

The Emperor's Throne.

I scanned the throne, only to spot a cell at the bottom of the ocean, my eyes widened when I saw Layla and a familiar Nymph, trapped in that cell.

I gasped when Tritanus was about to activate the throne, realizing that there wasn't much time, I shot forward but it was already too late, Tritanus sat on the throne and raised his Trident.

Electric Sparks surrounded Tritanus and even Icy looked at him in fear, red pollution surrounded the Infinite Ocean and it also started going my way, glancing at Nereus with slight worry, for what was about to happen next.

I closed my eyes when the red pollution reached me, I felt this negative energy, this was nothing what I have felt before, the negative energy was suffocating.

My eyes snapped open and I gasped at the scene in front of me, Tritanus his eyes were glowing red and his figure was huge, he already looked like a monster but this..

This was different, way different.

Icy grinned. "Tritanus, my love, I'm ready to be your empress."

"My empress, my empress.." Tritanus cackled, his deep voice booming through the ocean. "You are nothing." He shot red pollution at Icy but she avoided it.

"You promised me!" Icy snapped. "You said I would be empress!"

Tritanus roared. "I rule alone!" He charged at Icy but Stormy and Darcy swam to her aid but they were defeated in an instant.

"I'll try to defeat Tritanus." I decided as I turned to Atlantis. "You go find Layla." 

I exchanged glances with Nereus, both our eyes filled with determination, one to save my friend and the whole Magic Dimension and the other to get his family back, his cousin.

I charged at Tritanus but unfortunately two Mutants stopped us from getting closer to Tritanus, I glared at the Mutants and activated my magic energy, my aura glowing bright.

"Dragon Shield!" I summoned my shield and shot forward. "Go Nereus!" I slammed my shield against the Mutants, sending them flying back.

"Tritanus!" Nereus called out, grabbing his attention, his red eyes glared at us, his eyes were filled with malice, it was just pure evil. "It's between me and you now brother."

"I have no brother." Tritanus scoffed as they circled around each other, waiting for the other to start the fight but eventually Tritanus attacked first, he fired red pollution at Nereus, pushing Nereus back. "I rule here, you are nothing!"

Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now