Chapter 11.

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"[Name]!" Bloom ran after me as I grinned, trying to get away from her until she jumped on my back causing us to fall onto the hard floor of Bloom's bedroom.

"Ow.." I rubbed my head until I glanced at Bloom,  both of us bursting out in laughter until Bloom her smile fell making me frown. "What's up?"

"I still feel so guilty." Bloom admitted. "I almost killed Flora, how could I be so stupid, how could I forgive myself after that?"

My eyes softened. "It wasn't your fault but Selena's, she was the one that did all this so don't beat yourself up on something she did."

"[Name].." Bloom her eyes watered until she wrapped her arms around me. "I don't know what I would do without you, you are good at comforting and I don't know how you do it."

I hugged her back, my arms wrapping around her what taller form and stayed silent until someone knocked on the door, grabbing our attention, the door opened revealing Mike with a hat in his hands and Vanessa.

"Look girls!" Mike smiled and walked in along with Vanessa as we pulled away. "I've been working on some magic of my own, wait for it.." Bloom and I exchanged glances as we waited in anticipation until he grabbed fake flowers out of the hat. "Tada!"

"Good one dad." Bloom sighed, not that interested nor in the mood.

"Uh.." Mike trailed and exchanged glances with Vanessa. "Thanks honey, how about a joke?"

"Sometimes we just need to figure things out for ourselves." Vanessa advised. "And I'm sure you will Bloom." I shifted awkwardly, feeling out of place here until Vanessa gave me an reassuring smile. "If there's something bothering you [Name], you can always talk to me too."

My eyes slightly widened until I relaxed. "Thank you m- Vanessa." I stood up, grabbing Bloom's attention who tilted her head in wonder at me. "We can't sit here and do nothing, why don't we go on a walk Bloom?" Before she could reply I grabbed her hands and pulled her up. 

"Alright.." Bloom sighed in defeat before following after me, we left the house and walked outside after we said our goodbyes to Bloom her parents and put our shoes on.

It was late outside, we walked under the night sky, I shivered slightly at the cold wind but didn't pay much mind.

"Tell me something about Selena." I smiled as her eyes lit up. "How did you two become friends?"

"We went to the same school." Bloom explained with a smile on her face. "We used to play for hours in the forest of flowers."

"The forest of flowers.." I repeated until my eyes widened in shock, my fist hitting my palm, grabbing Bloom her attention. "I think that's it Bloom."

Bloom looked at me in confusion until her face morphed into one of realization. "You're right!" She rummaged through her pocket until she grabbed out a drawing, it was a drawing of her and Selena, surrounded by blue flowers.

I pointed at the blue flower. "That must be Eldora's flower."

"The Fairy godmother lives right here in Gardenia!" Bloom gasped until she slammed her hand against mine, in a high five, both of us grinning in victory that we found out where Eldora might be.

Bloom her smile fell instantly as her aura glowed. "Lockette, she's in danger!" My eyes widened but soon were filled with alarm and worry when Bloom uttered those words.

"Transform!" I commanded. "Magic Winx Dragonix!I felt myself rise up. I clapped my hands, blue energy coating my hands and wrists as braces appeared around my wrists, the blue energy surrounded my body and in a burst of light I was wearing a tunic dress with beautiful colored accents, decorated with gems and Dragon scaled shoulder pads. A translucent organza cape extended from the back of the tunic I was wearing and were connected to my braces around my wrists while the rest of my outfit consisted of tights with the same beautiful colored designs on my dress, ending at my heels. I traced my hand over my forehead, my hand glowing for a second before my forehead was decorated with a tiara and with a blue gem attached in the middle. I twirled around, golden sparkles covering my back, forming my sparkly wings that are large and shaped as a seashell, Ghidorah circled around me, finishing my transformation. "[Name], Fairy of the Water Dragon!"

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