Chapter 6.

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I stared at the Sirenix Book that was laying on the table, Layla, Tenca and I were standing in our dorm while hesitating if we wanted to open the book or not.

"Of course we should open it." Layla reasoned. "Think of what we went through to get the Sirenix Book."

"That's exactly what I was thinking of." Tecna agreed.

I grabbed the book. "Let's open it then." I tried to flip the book open but it was like it was sealed. "It's not opening!"

"Seriously?" Tecna asked.

I handed the book to Tecna. "Yeah, check it." Tecna tried to open the book but with no avail, it just wouldn't open.

"Hey you guys!" Flora greeted as she and Musa walked in. "Headmistress Faragonda wants to see us."

"And she wants us to bring the Sirenix Book!" Musa added.


"I'm glad you're all here." Faragonda acknowledged when we all stood in front of her desk, in her office. "Now that you have found the Sirenix Book you must consider what you wish to do next."

"Open it right?" Layla asked. "Right..?"

"But it could be dangerous." Flora sighed.

"There's the curse of Sirenix." Tecna pointed out.

Musa nodded. "And we don't even know what that means." 

"Sirenix curse left my sister Daphne a disembodied spirit." Bloom frowned.

"But we need Sirenix powers to defeat Tritanus!" Layla retorted. 

"And save the whole magic dimension." Stella added.

"That's right." I agreed. "So I say let's open it."

"Whatever you do you must decide to do it together." Faragonda advised. "With one mind and one heart and you all must know the dangers. Winx, if you fail in the quest for Sirenix you will lose your powers forever."

My eyebrows shot up in shock as the others gasped. "No way.."

"You will not be able to open the Sirenix Book and begin the quest until you all agree." Faragonda informed.

All of us exchanged glances and nodded. "Yes Miss Faragonda."

"Now." Faragonda smiled. "Today's the Challenge of Graynor, all the best Fairies in the Magic Dimension will be there, competing for the boon of the Ancestral Spirit of Nature, I want you to represent Alfea, will you do it Winx?"

Stella grinned. "Miss Faragonda are you saying we're the best Fairies of Alfea?"

"Well Stella." Miss Faragonda chuckled. "As you might say; if the shoe fits."


I looked around in awe when we arrived at Graynor, where the Challenge of Graynor will be taken place, here were the best Fairies in the whole Magic Dimension.

"All the best Fairies of the Magic Dimension.." Flora observed.

"Look!" Layla pointed at a huge tree that was at the center of the area, golden Fairy Dust surrounded the tree.

"It's the Ancestral Spirit of Nature!" Flora gasped when the spirit flew out.

"Fairies of the Magic Dimension." The spirit started. "I welcome you to Graynor, Ancestral home of Fairies, I will give you a boon, if you can complete my challenge." She explained. "Search the forests of Graynor, find the creature of the Rainbow Mantle, lead her here."

"That sounds pretty straight forward.." One of the Fairies muttered.

"The creature of the Rainbow Mantle is elusive." The spirit continued as she started disappearing in the tree. "She will only show herself to you if you prove yourself worthy." With that the spirit disappeared.

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