Season 4. Chapter 1.

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(From here on I haven't edited a single thing so this season might not add up to season 3 whatsoever.) - 2023.

I apologize in advance for the bad writing.

"I can't believe we're back at Alfea." Bloom smiled.

"And we'll be teaching this year!" I beamed.

Layla wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer, we both exchanged smiles. "Professor Layla and [Name] here!" 

"Layla, we're just teaching assistants but it's pretty fantastic." Tecna added.

"All I know is we'll be giving homework instead of getting it." Stella started, we sighed and started walking. "And we'll be giving quizzes and tests and- Girls, wait, who's going to grade all this stuff?"

"It was just three years ago that we were new freshmen fairies and now we're-" Musa got cut off.

"The Winx!" A group of people cheered as they started making pictures of us.

"Superstars." Stella finished for Musa. "Is that what you were going to say?" And so she started walking up to the group of people.

"No Stella." Musa rolled her eyes. "I was going to say we're all grown up, but maybe not all of us." She muttered the last part under her breath.

"[Name], can we have your autograph?" One questioned.

"Let's make pictures!" The other added.

"The one song you sang during your sophomore year was bomb!" Another complimented.

"Can you show us your Dragon?" Someone questioned, excited.

Before I could say anything, I got dragged away. "We're going to be late." Bloom laughed.

"I know and thanks for that." I sighed in relief.

"Hurry up Stella, we're late!" Musa called out, and so we all walked inside the school, meeting Griselda at the stairs.

"Hello ladies, it's a pleasure to see you again, welcome back." Griselda greeted.

"Morning Miss Griselda." I smiled.

"Follow me please." Griselda started walking up the stairs, us following suit. "Before you meet the Headmistress I'll show you to your rooms-"

"Oh don't worry!" Layla interrupted as she ran past her. "We know the way!" 

Griselda almost fell but Flora and I held her. "Wait!" And so we ran after the girls, when we entered our dorm we were met with freshmen.

"Who are you?" Layla questioned. "This is our room."

"No it's not." One of the freshmen remarked. "This is our room." Before we could say anything Griselda walked in.

"Clarisse is right." Griselda said. "This area is for students, your rooms are down the hall in the teacher's wing, I thought you knew.."

"You're no longer students girls." Faragonda pointed out as she also entered the dorm. "You'd better get used to the idea."

"Hi Miss Faragonda!" I greeted.

"Come to my office." And so we followed Faragonda to her office. "We have much to talk about." We walked through hallways until we reached Faragonda her office, we entered and gathered around the desk. "Thank you for accepting my offer to teach girls. As for the youngest fairies ever to reach the Enchantix level you can provide great inspiration, particularly for the new students just learning the world of magic."

Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now