Chapter 21.

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It was a warm day at Gardenia, the sun was shining and so we decided to go to the Frutti Music Bar.

"Cherry limes my new fave!" Stella grinned.

"Really?" Brandon chuckled as he clinked his glass with Stella's. "Mine's lime cherry, we are so made for each other."

"To us!" Bloom clinked glasses with Sky.

"To us!" Sky smiled until his lips quirked down when he saw three familiar guys walk up to us. "At least for the next four seconds."

"Hey Everyone!" Andy greeted. "How's it going today?"

Riven scoffed. "It was going great until a second ago."

"Will you please stop that." Musa frowned.

"You're right." Riven sighed. "I'm sorry."

After all that we started practicing with the instruments until I felt this negative energy, I started looking around while the others looked at me in concern.

"Are you okay?" Flora asked as she laid a hand on my shoulder.

My eyes widened when I spotted Ogron and the Wizards, what surprised me more was that Duman was really injured.

"Can you excuse us a minute?" I requested Andy, before he could answer I ran off with the girls following behind me.

"The Wizards of the Black Circle!" Roxy glared. "You four want another round with us?"

"No, Roxy." Ogron shook his head. "We're not here to fight, the White Circle has completely depleted us of all our powers."

"Why are you here then Ogron?" I questioned, on guard. "What do you want?"

"We're surrendering ourselves to you and we confess to all our crimes." Ogron announced, he kneeled in front of me. "We are willing to abide by your judgement in exchange for protection."

"Protection?" I repeated. "From who?"

"From Morgana and her Fairies of vengeance." Anagan answered. "You freed them and now they want to destroy us."

"After our battle we were forced to run for our lives, Duman barely escaped.." Ogron explained, his eyes met mine, pleading for us to help.

"This is a complicated problem." I sighed. "We should talk in a more private place." And so we led the Wizards to the Love and Pet shop, they sat on our couch completely drained of power, I gathered the girls a safe distance away from them. "I know the Wizards of the Black Circle have a dark history but the dynamics have changed, people started believing in Fairies again and there's positive energy."

"And that energy continues to weaken us more and more." Ogron spoke up. "We are no longer Fairy Hunters, we renounce dark powers and turn the Black Circle over to you." He summoned the Black Circle and gestured for me to take it, I walked forward and with every step I took I felt the dark energy getting stronger making me shiver. "Do not be frightened, all our power is contained within this Circle, take it and see to it that only good comes from it." I held my hand out, the Circle shrinked and placed itself around my finger.

"Give it to Morgana, that way we'll be able to prove that we surrender!" Anagan claimed.

"But what are we supposed to do with them now?" Flora questioned.

"There are rules about these sort of things, and you guys didn't think I was serious about reading!" Stella summoned the Book of Fairies.

"The Book of Fairies, good thinking!" Flora smiled.

Stella went through the pages, her hands glowing a golden color when she used her magic to flick through the pages. "There we go, Sybilla, the Fairy of Justice can rule on all issues of right and wrong, crime and punishment and forgiveness, she lives in Italy in a cave in the mountains that bear her name."

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