Chapter 22.

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I slammed the magic ball to the ground, over the net, at the other side, of the opposite team, yet again gaining my team another point, the cheers of all the Alfea Fairies echoing through the courtyard, I grinned and gave Layla a high five.

A match of Magic Volleyball.

Now we had the same amount of points, one more point and it would decide if we won or if the opposite team won.

I looked over the net to see my sister at the opposite team, we stared at each other with a competitive look. I guess siblings would always compete against each other, to prove who's the best.

"Girls, when you're facing a powerful opponent a direct attack may fail." Professor Palladium explained. "But a feint can win."

"Right!" Crystal, my sister nodded. "Formation number three!"

My eyes were filled with determination as we continued playing, two girls of Crystal's team jumped up, assuming that one of them was going to throw the ball Flora stood closer to the net and the others were concentrating on the two girls not noticing Crystal jumping up from behind them and slamming the ball to the ground, gaining another point.

"Game over." Professor Palladium stated as Crystal high fived her friends, my eyebrows furrowed when I saw Crystal give Helia a wink.

I ran up to her before she could walk away. "Nice one sis!"

"Thank you!" Crystal beamed and wrapped her arms around me.

I nudged. "Not as good as me though, I would've won."

Crystal rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Yeah yeah." She then looked at Helia who was already looking at her. "Helia!"

"Hey Crystal." Helia smiled, I looked at the both of them in confusion as to how they know each other.

Crystal wrapped her arms around Helia. "We beat the Winx!" I noticed Flora looking at her with jealousy.

"Yeah.." Helia chuckled, his face turning into a frown when he saw Flora walking away.

"Helia, do you know where Adan is?" I questioned.

"He's at his home planet right now." Helia explained, his eyebrows furrowing. "I thought he told you."

"He didn't.." I sighed, while looking at the ground in disappointment.

Helia laid a hand on my shoulder and looked at me in worry. "I'm sorry."

"No no, I'll just call him." I mustered up a smile and waved at both Crystal and Helia who were looking at me in concern.

I enterned Alfea and walked through the corridors until I arrived at the dorm, I immediately went to the bathroom and changed out of my volleyball uniform and  took a shower, when I finished showering I changed into a new pair of clothes and decided to go to Bloom's room.

"Girls." I greeted when I entered Bloom and Flora's room, when Bloom was the only who greeted me back I turned to Flora who was lost in thought, I exchanged glances with Bloom and sat down next to Flora, on her bed. "Are you okay Flora?"

"Hey.." Bloom whispered as she sat down at Flora's other side. "Talk to us, tell us what's wrong."

"It's Helia.." Flora let her tears fall freely. "I think he wants to be with Crystal not me." My eyes widened when she said that.

"My sister..?" I uttered.

"No way.." Bloom gasped.

"Yeah.." Her voice cracked. "They have so much in common, she's powerful and she can heal like you [Name], a healer, she's fun to be with and I'm not."

Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant