Chapter 5.

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"Winx we can't give up now." I sighed as we flew around Gardenia to search for the Last Fairy on Earth and since the Wizards of the Black Circle are here we have to keep going cause now the fairy is in more danger. "We've got to keep searching, the Last Fairy on Earth is somewhere down there in Gardenia. We've got to find her girls."

"And fast before Ogron and his wizard pals." Musa added.

"We know they're after her.." Tecna trailed. "We've got to spot that magic trail so keep your eyes open."

"You may want to tell Stella that." Layla laughed as she pointed at Stella who had her eyes closed while flying around not knowing where she's going.

Bloom gasped. "Oh no, wake up Stella!"

"Huh, what?" Stella opened her eyes. "Is breakfast ready?" Stella flew straight into a tree and almost got ran over by a truck if it wasn't for me who pulled her back up. "Have I mentioned how much I love you [Name]?"

"You fell asleep again!" I scolded.

"It's all this patrolling, plus I'm upset about the fight we had with the boys, I'm just totally stressed out." Stella confessed.

"Stop complaining and concentrate!" Flora glared, her eyes sparkled when we flew around Gardenia, her eyes then slightly dimmed when she saw a homeless man. "I love Earth but it has a lot of problems."

"I know." Musa agreed. "I wonder what it was like when the Fairies ruled it."

"I don't know but since they disappeared there has been a lack of harmony." Bloom frowned.

I landed on a rooftop, the girls following suit. "And now the world's unbalanced."

"In the book Faragonda gave us it says that a Believix fairy can help people believe in fairies again." Stella stated.

"So I guess the Last Fairy on Earth is this planet's only hope." Layla added on.

"That must suck." I shrugged, the girls gave me confused looks so I took that as a sign to continue. "That's a lot of pressure to be honest, she's our only hope meaning that everyone has to rely on her."

"You're right." Flora hummed as she stood next to me. "She totally has her work cut out for her."

"She's out there somewhere." I pointed out. "So we better get back to it, we have a big day ahead."


We made it back to our Love and Pet shop and we went straight to work, I took care of a lot of animals that were hurt. It was kind of tough because I don't really use my healing magic that much so it made me grow a little bit tired.

"And this is our nurse [Name]." Bloom introduced when she stopped at my station, a lot of customers were standing behind her while looking at me in awe as I healed another pet. After that Bloom headed to the other stations.

Finally after helping the pets I went over to Tecna. "How's the website coming along?"

"Did you put my pictures up?" Stella asked as well.

"The ones where you just woke up?" Musa chuckled as she showed us the pictures of Stella. "Look!"

"What!" Stella panicked. "You're not serious are you?"

"Things are doing great [Name]." Tecna assured. "The Love and Pet sign is getting tons of hits." We all surrounded her. "Everyone wants to adopt their own Fairy Pet, but someone is running a little scam and you know the rules."

I nodded. "No more than one pet per person. That way, everyone can have one." 

"But apparently someone thinks that if they change their name they'll be able to adopt all the animals they want." Tecna informed.

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