Chapter 18.

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"We have training with Codatorta today." Flora said.

I sat on Flora's bed, the sun was shining from the window while Flora was watering her plants, I wasn't really looking forward to today so the frown on my face was visible.

Today is an important day for every realm, my father invited all the Sovereigns of all the planets to Aalto, to talk about the new threat, Tritanus and our next move, we need a plan for the fate of the Magic Dimension and as the Royal Princess I have to be there along with Bloom, Stella and Layla and I'm not really looking forward to it, having to face my dad again.

"He's supposed to be the best training master around." Bloom smiled.

"I wish we could go." I sulked.

"Miss Sovereigns council is just as important." Flora pointed out.

"It may be more important.." Layla mumbled as she walked in along with Stella. "The whole fate of the Magic Dimension is at stake."

"My dad have invited all the sovereigns of all the realms to Aalto." I frowned. 

"And as Royal Princesses, you four must be there." Flora stated.

"Which raises the big question." Stella retorted.

"How will the Magic Dimension deal with Tritanus?" Flora questioned.

"Will the realms unite to fight them?" Bloom prompted.

I placed my hand under my chin, in thought. "Or will each Kingdom go at it alone?" 

"What no!" Stella shook her head. "The really big question is what to wear to this gala?!"

Layla rolled her eyes. "It's not a gala Stella."

I giggled at Stella's antics. "It's a political summit and war Council."

"Great!" Stella beamed. "Which makes me think.." 

Stella her hands were coated in golden dust, my eyes widened when our outfits changed into- I'm not even going into detail about it, my hair was wild and the outfit was absolutely horrid.

However, my eyes twinkled with amusement when Kiko looked as horrified as us, we all burst out laughing at that.

"Maybe a little too fierce Stella." Layla mused.

"Looks like it." Stella frowned.

Stella used her magic again, I smiled when I was changed into the same dress I wore during Aalto and Domino's Renewal Ceremony, wearing a light blue dress that reached the ground designed with violet colored flowers and heels

"Much better." Bloom chuckled.

"Have to Agree with that." I grinned.

Stella scoffed. "Old school."

"No, classic." Flora complimented.

"Thanks Flora!" Stella beamed.

"Now.." Stella wrapped an arm around me, pulling me in a side hug. "Let's get politicking."


I looked around the big room, the throne room of Aalto's castle, the room was filled with Sovereigns of all the planets, I have never really been in the castle, my own castle, the room was decorated and designed beautifully. 

In the middle of the room was a pool that directly connected with the Ocean so the Royal family of the Underwater Kingdom of Tides could join us.


What is left of the family that is.

"Kings, Queens, member of the Royal Courts, welcome to Aalto." King Dalfon, my father began, sitting in his throne, I stood on his right while Asena was sitting on his left with Haru by her side, her son. 

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