Chapter 17.

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I was on my way to the green house to spend time with Flora when Helia walked out, I almost bumped into him if it wasn't for me side stepping out of the way.

"Sorry." Helia mumbled before walking off and I didn't bother to run after him because clearly he needs time for himself so I entered the green house only to see a frown on Flora's face when I spotted her.

"Flora?" I tilted my head in confusion as my eyes glinstered with worry.

"[Name].." Flora breathed out before pulling me in a hug, I wrapped my arms around her and returned the hug, knowing that she needed it and when we pulled away I took that as a sign to question the reason she's upset but obviously it has something to do with Helia since he also looked upset.

"What happened?" I asked while my eyebrows furrowed trying to grasp the situation.

"I don't know what came over me." Flora frowned while looking down with saddened eyes. "I totally just snapped at Helia, I made him feel like he let me down which isn't even true."

"Maybe you should talk to him then." I suggested. "It was all a misunderstanding right? So I know that if you talk to him about it, everything is going to be okay again."

"Thank you." Flora whispered. "Thank you for being there for me [Name]."

I nudged her with a small smile on my face. "Well go on then, go after him."

"I'm not sure if I will be able to find him though." Flora mumbled before her eyes sparkled with determination. "But I can try!" With that said, Flora ran out of the green house not before thanking me again.

 I shook my head with a small smile and walked out of the green house when I suddenly bumped into Bloom.

"[Name]!" Bloom beamed, a smile playing on her face. "I was looking for you, Miss Faragonda, Eldora and Daphne wanted me to look for you cause they are going to give us details for our next mission."

"Another mission." I sighed as I walked side by side with Bloom through the corridors of Alfea, on our way to the History of Magic classroom. "I'm getting tired."

"I know and me too." Bloom frowned. "All this fighting is getting to me but.."

"But we have to lock the Legendarium or it will be the end of the Magic Dimension." I finished before I pointed a finger at her, in a teasing manner. "Not thinking of retiring are you?"

"Of course not." Bloom scoffed but I didn't miss the amused glint in her eyes. 

"Good." I mused as we arrived at the History of Magic classroom, when we entered we saw that the girls were there already. 

"Thank you for coming Winx." Daphne spoke up so our attention immediately went to her while I sat down on a desk. "Now that you have found the fantasy emerald, the next step is to retrieve the silver spear."

Eldora stepped forward. "The spear will allow us to forge the key and close that nasty Legendarium for good."

"In order to find the spear, I suggest that we use the magic wands again." Daphne suggested and I nodded in agreement at that since the wands could detect the objects.

"Alright." I nodded, my lips twitching in a small smile as I held my hand out. "Mythix Vision!" My Mythix wand appeared in my hand.

"Mythix Vision!" The girls and Eldora repeated after me, also summoning their wands.

Our wands glowed, their power connecting until an image of a totem appeared, I tilted my head in confusion at that.

"It's a totum?" Miss Faragonda whispered, her eyes filled with the same confusion. 

Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now