Chapter 9.

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The wind kissed my skin while reading the diary of Eldora as we soared through the sky with the hot air balloons, I was amazed of how many places she visited and even though it is an important mission I am still thrilled to travel to those places and right now we were flying above the great wall of China.

"So what else does Eldora have to say in that diary of hers?" Stella asked, leaning on my shoulder.

"I think she has been everywhere in China." I giggled, my eyes lit up as I read more about where Eldora has been.

"Well that's helpful." Musa laughed from over the other balloon. "It's not like China is one of the biggest countries on Earth or anything."

"True but following Eldora's path just might reveal a way to lock the Legendarium." Stella pointed out making me nod in agreement. "And besides we're getting to see the world."

The Pixies were playing around the air balloon, the wind getting harsh making me look at them in worry, scared that they would hurt themselves.

"Be careful everyone!" Daphne called out as the air balloon started moving around. "Pixies that's enough settle down!" But the Pixies didn't listen and continued playing around. "As the Nymph of Domino I call upon-" Daphne was trying to cast a protection spell but got cut off by the air balloon moving around again.

"This isn't fun anymore!" Chatta cried as their air balloon bumped into the air balloon of the three students, one of the students fell but luckily her friend caught her making me sigh in relief.

"This is so chaotic." I mumbled, the girls nodding in agreement at my comment.

"Element of water protect us!" Daphne chanted and succesfully casted her protection spell, stopping the balloom from moving around.

"That was a close call." Bloom chuckled as the student who almost fell sighed in relief when she got back on the air balloon.

"This must be a big adventure for freshmen." Layla added.

"Don't worry girls!" Musa called out. "We'll get you on the ground without a scratch!"

"Looking forward to it." The blue haired girl smiled.

"Eldora spent a lot of time along the great wall." I spoke up as I read the diary. 

"Then let's go higher and get a better view." Layla suggested before we soared higher up in the sky.

"The great wall.." Flora breathed out. "It's beautiful."

I leaned on the side and admired the view of the great wall of China, only seeing pictures on the internet but seeing it right in front of me is way different.

"We're so lucky we have a chance to see this Winx!" Layla grinned in excitement.

I shivered when the sudden cold wind rushed through me, the girls having the same reaction as it got colder.

"I should've brought a jacket." I sighed, I crossed my arms to give myself some kind of warmth.

"Great." Stella's teeth were chattering as she spoke. "But it's also freezing."

"The high altitude makes the air colder." Tecna informed.

Stella's eyes lit up. "Then my high fashion will warm us up!" She snapped her fingers, magic aiming at us, summoning coats.

"Exactly how is this coat of any help?" Musa questioned, all of us were wearing really big coats.

I almost fell to the side, not being able to keep my balance with this heavy coat but I managed to steady myself and because of the new weight all of the air balloons started moving around, Stella used her magic again, making the coat less bigger and heavier making us sigh in relief.

Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя