Chapter 25.

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Finding something to exchange for the Legendariun key was harder than I thought because right now we were standing in the History of Magic classroom, still discussing on what we should give Rumpelstiltskin in exchange for the key.

"There's got to be something." Bloom frowned, pursing her lips as she rested her chin on her index finger and thumb.

"You'd think." Musa scoffed, annoyance flashing in her eyes at the thought of Rumpelstiltskin. "Talk about picky."

"Even after scouring the Alfea underfloors we came up empty." Layla heaved out a sigh of frustration and I mean it's true, we did spend almost hours there, yet there was nothing we could find.

"What do you give a collector with already a big collection." I muttered to myself, there are a bunch of things but it should be special enough so that he would be willing to exchange the key for it.

"Don't worry Winx." Stella spoke up, breaking our trail of thoughts. "I'm great at creative problem solving."

Stella snapped her fingers, summoning a single ice cream to our confusion, wondering how that has to do with creative problem solving.

Layla's lips curled up in a smile at the sight of the ice cream. "Ice cream?"

"With endless flavors." Stella grinned and I along with the others deadpanned, so that's what she meant with creative problem solving. 

I mean creative indeed but it doesn't necessarily solve our problem. Stella snapped her fingers, more flavors appearing on top of the ice cream that Musa was holding, the more flavors appeared the more it looked like the ice cream would fall.

I glanced at Stella before my lips quirked up in a bright smile, now knowing that she did all this to just distract us from this stressful matter.

"Something tell me he would be happier with the key." Layla mused as the ice cream fell on Musa who glared at Stella. 

"Than a hat for all seasons?" Stella suggested, snapping her fingers making a hat appear on Layla's head.

"Stella.." I sighed half out of it and half amused, I waved my hand, making the hat disappear before something bad could happen, knowing that wasn't a normal hat.

"I know!" Stella's eyes lit up in realization. "A three-headed serpent clutch."

"Yeah no." I patted Stella's shoulder for good measure. "At least you were right about the creative part."

Stella pouted at my comment. "Oh come on, it could've solved something."

"Anyway let's continue brainstorming." I clasped my hand together and was about to speak up again when Eldora jumped down out of nowhere, landing in front of us while wearing yoga attire.

Eldora giggled and curtsied. "How is that for an entrance?" 

"Impressive." I chuckled also rather impressed with the amount of flips she did, my friends nodding in agreement at that. "We actually need your help with something, Eldora."

"Well I've got the solution my dear." Eldora held her hand out as it glowed a golden color before a dark red - almost brown- colored box appeared with golden decorations on it. "The infinity box, it can contain just about anything, even magical powers."

Eldora handed the box to me as I stared at it in amazement and astonishment. "Actually anything?" And Eldora nodded at that.

"Girls!" Suddenly Daphne ran in to our surprise. I noticed the bright smile on her face and I was curious what that was about. "I have something big to tell you.." We waited in anticipation as Daphne took a deep breath. "Thoren and I are getting married."

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