𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧𝓧: 𝓡𝓪𝓹𝓲𝓭 𝓡𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰

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Cute would be the best way to describe the girl she had trained. Her pupil had taken a spot on one of the beds, with her own pupil across from her. Several jars sat out between the two.

"Okay, Peter." She started, holding up a blueberry. "A patient is currently suffering from third degree burns. What would be best used to heal them?" The bunny looked between each jar. His little pink nose wiggling before he knocked over a glass bottle, filled with a light green liquid.

"Good job!" [Y/n] cheered, picking up her furry companion to snuggle. She allowed him to take the blueberry from her fingertips. "You're so smart!"

It had been like this for the pass ten minutes or so. The bunny would guess the gel and the girl would cheer and reward him. Like a parent who had just taught their child to walk.

"Hey! Pay attention, audience! Swarm mass media! This year's high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the UA sports festival, is about to begin! Everybody, are you ready?!"

Looking up from her training to the TV in the corner of the room, [Y/n] watched as the First-Year students made their way to the center of the field.

"It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage! The U.A sports festival! The huge battle where fledgling heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, these are the guys, right? The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel! Hero course 1-A?!"

"They haven't even started and my Guardian looks like he's going to faint." [Y/n] muttered, staring at the figure of her shaking Guardian.

"Time for the player pledge!"

The camera panned over at the sound of a whip, focusing in on Midnight. Cat calls broke out amongst the crowd and stadium from students and teachers alike.

"Quiet everyone! Representing that students is Bakugo Katsuki from Class 1-A!"

Recovery Girl could see the gears in the girl's head turning as she took in the words.

"Bakugo finished first in the hero course entrance exam." Recovery Girl explained, eyes on the screen as she watched the blonde boy make his way up the stairs of stage. Soon, he stood in front of the mic.

Girl of The Woods (BNHA x Black!Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now