1.- Faerie High

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TW: swearing.

It was a few years later. Lupita was now 18 years old and stood at the front of the principal's door of 'Faerie high'. Stupid name really.

Lupita brought her hand up and carefully knocked on the door. A weak 'come in' was heard and she walked into the office.

"May I help you?" the man at the desk asked. He had short, graying hair and the same beard.

Lupita looked around. His office was big, with trophies on different stands, pictures of kids, and other useless stuff. The man also smelled sickeningly human, something which made Lupita clench her jaw.

"I want to enter the school," she said shortly, promptly ignoring the chair the man pointed at.

"Do you have a parent or guardian that can sign you in?" he asked while intertwining his fingers.

"No," Lupita said shortly while still looking around and smelling the air, searching for any sign of danger. She caught a whiff of silver probably from the trophies so that wasn't too dangerous.

"Are they unavailable? Busy...?"

"Dead," Lupita answered shortly, glancing shortly at the man to see his reaction. His eyes widened slightly and he straightened up, just like she predicted.

"Oh," he cleared his throat. "Well... um... I might be able to pull some strings if you fill this out." He pulled out a few papers from a drawer and placed them on his desk. "Sit, please."

Lupita cautiously sat down and looked at the first page. It said to sign her name, birth date, gender, age, what... species she was? She filled out everything, marking on the werewolf box but taking into account what other options there were.







And many others.

Lupita turned to the other page and began to fill out the other page which was her interests. Then the next which was her background, and then on the last one was parental information.

"You don't need to fill that out. I believe you will be able to get in here, we have a lot of stray's," the principal said with a little laugh while Lupita raised an eyebrow at him. "Sorry," he said while clearing his throat. "I will contact you in a few days, uh, do you have a phone?"

"Do I look like I could own one?" Lupita asked while gesturing to her dirty and tattered clothes.

"No," the man said and scratched his beard. "Where will you be staying?"

"Around here," Lupita said and scratched the good side of her neck.

"Any house or apartment?"

"No. I'll probably be lounging on a bench or by the sidewalk," Lupita said. It wasn't anything new since she arrived in England, sleeping on the benches, in the parks, running around in the forests whenever she wanted to transform and have a little freedom.

"Oh," the man said again and looked rather uncomfortable. "Well, how about you stay... on the school premises? That way I at least know where you are."

"Sure," Lupita said and stood up.

"I'll see you around then," he said and pulled out his hand.

"Yes," Lupita said and walked out. There was no reason to stay and talk to the man when she had gotten what she wanted. She didn't really understand why she wanted to enter the school. Maybe they had free lunches and she was starting to get tired of the birds she would occasionally catch.

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