17.- Attack

257 22 19

TW: blood, violence, deaths

The world was blurry when she opened her eyes again. All the dark colors were mushed together and nothing really looked like anything. Her body was moving. She didn't have any control and it felt strange. A familiar kind of strange. A good kind of strange. She looked down and smiled when she saw her paws. Her wolf form felt more like her than her human form.

Lupita's head turned in the direction of a small whimper. It didn't take long before she realized what made it as she saw a small figure laying in the grass currently looking at her with big, scared amber eyes.

'Let me get some control,' Lupita told her wolf, and surprisingly she let her see and move immediately.

Lupita walked over to the small wolf and nuzzled her nose into its neck to pick up its scent. It was Jazmyn. Now that Lupita had fully transformed and stood beside Jazmyn, she realized how much bigger she was than her. She always knew she was big, but Jazmyn looked like a puppy compared to her.

Jazmyn's wolf whimpered and moved away from Lupita. Instead of following, Lupita laid down and began to lick her paws. Or, her wolf began to lock their paws while Lupita managed their surroundings and kept an eye on Jazmyn who was slowly coming to her senses. When she did, she slowly walked over to Lupita and began to stick her nose in her fur. Lupita smiled as Jazmyn's entire muzzle disappeared into her neck.

Lupita let out a small growl and pushed Jazmyn slightly so she stood in front of her. Jazmyn's entire body trembled with fear so Lupita quickly licked her nose before she put her head down to try and give Jazmyn some sense of security. Jazmyn slowly calmed down and began sniffing her face. Lupita let her and slowly, Jazmyn got more comfortable around her, walking around her giant body and even getting as far as to biting her ear, which made Lupita let out a playful growl and a wolfish smile.

The night progressed incredibly slowly. Jazmyn was high energy all the time and Lupita was focused on their surroundings, still getting the feeling of being watched. North not having arrived also concerned her. It wasn't like the white wolf to be late. Jazmyn seemed to not have a care in the world and happily ran around, catching an occasional moth or just rolling around in the grass.

Every time Lupita turned her head, she could feel eyes on her. She looked at Jazmyn, something in the dark was too; She looked at a random tree and eyes peered on the side of her head. The hairs on her back slowly began to raise, and her mane of fur started to puff up. Her claws made indents in the ground and her muscle tensed with every sound or movement. Her nose wrinkled without her realizing and a growl lay in her chest, waiting for the right opportunity to come out.

Eventually, the feeling of peering eyes became too much to bear and Lupita stood up. The second she was on all fours, a strong stench entered her nose - like left-out meat, sweet but rotten and sour - and a black figure shot out of the dark forest. It was coming for her neck, yellow teeth bared, saliva dripping from its maw, and dirty claws out, ready for the kill.

Lupita quickly moved out of the way of the deadly creature, caught it by the neck, and bit down as hard as she could. It didn't even get a chance to fight back or try to wiggle for freedom before it went limp in her jaws.

When she let it drop, she could clearly see what it was.

A rogue.

It had shaggy and unkempt fur and Lupita was almost certain its original color of fur was not black. Its ears were torn and there was only half of its tail remaining. It was full of scars and other dirt mingled with dried blood. A disgusting creature.

Jazmyn immediately came over to her and peeked at the rouge from between Lupita's legs. She sniffed the dear rouge and slowly walked back, still hiding under Lupita. She trembled and cautiously looked up at Lupita, fear evident in her eyes at how easily she had killed the creature.

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