30.- Family

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The weekend came too fast.

Lupita sat in her last class, tapping her fingers on the table not focusing on what was being said. She had stopped trying to understand the lectures a few weeks ago. It wouldn't be of any use to her in the long run and she only showed up to meet her friends. They had spent a little time together today. Mai was chipper as always and talked about a game she had played for almost the entire lunch break. Aoi was silent, which wasn't unusual for him, but he seemed more nervous than normal. Jazmyn was clingy and happy. She talked about this person she had been seeing around who she thought was cute. Valeria was silent and seemingly in a bad mood and North was just staying close by her and giving her occasional kisses. Lupita hadn't asked any of them about it and just listened to Mai and Jazmyn.

"OK, everyone. Have a good weekend," Elizabeth said earning a round of relieved sighs. "Relax and have fun, everyone."

"You ready for the weekend?" Jazmyn asked as they both picked up their stuff.

"No," Lupita said and picked up her worn-down backpack that had been John's son's. "But... nothing I can do."

"You can say no," Jazmyn stated. "You don't owe them anything."

"I know," Lupita said. She had been told that a few times by now and she just learned to agree to what they said even though she disagreed. It was necessary to do this, whether she liked it or not.

"Will you be ok today?" Elizabeth asked. Lupita looked at the woman, smiled, and nodded. "Ok. Be safe, and you can say no whenever you want. Don't feel like you need to do anything."

"Ok," Lupita said and followed them outside the classroom where MJ was waiting for her.

"You ready?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"No," Lupita said truthfully but started walking with MJ and the others. "But, I need to do this."

"I'm glad you are doing this. It could help us help you," MJ said and rubbed her arm. "I will make sure that you are comfortable. And you can say no whenever you want."

"Thank you," Lupita said as they walked out of the building and into the parking lot. The late October breeze was cold and Lupita noticed MJ shiver.

"It's getting cold," she said and smiled. "Bye Jazmyn, bye Elizabeth."

"Bye Marie," Elizabeth said and pulled Jazmyn with her to the car. "Take good care of her now."

"I promise," MJ said and took Lupita by the arm and slowly began pulling her away.

"Bye Lupi," Jazmyn said as they parted ways. Lupita waved to them as she followed MJ to an all-black car. She guessed it was Rowan's.

"Do you want to sit in the back or the front?" MJ asked as they approached the car. "Or, better question, who do you want to sit with?"

Lupita furrowed her brows and thought about it. Rowan was a clear no. But Ambrosia was mad at her and she wouldn't be comfortable. She desperately wanted to be near the vampire but knew it wouldn't be good for any of them at the moment.

"You," Lupita said and pointed at the girl.

"OK," she said and opened the back door. "Ambrosia, move to the front."

"Fine," the girl said, and got out of the car, passing Lupita quickly, not making eye contact, and moved to the front. Lupita got in the back and buckled in. She immediately began playing with her fingers and subconsciously enjoyed the feeling of the power running through the moonstone and Tor's hammer necklace on her neck. She had decided to wear them after her talk with John. It helped her get a little closer to her two favorite gods.

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