2.- First day

441 19 13

TW: swearing

It was weeks later when the principal approached Lupita on the bench. She was just sitting and munching on the last pastry when he came up to her and sat down.

"Don't remember telling you you could sit," Lupita said in an unbothered tone and placed the empty paper bag in her backpack. She didn't have any food now.

The principal just raised a brow but didn't comment on her tone. "You are accepted into the school. If you will follow me I will escort you to your class, but before we can do that, I need to check if what you marked was real."

Lupita raised a brow at how he got right to the point, almost matching her tone. He stood up quickly and walked away, looking back briefly to indicate for her to follow him.

Lupita rolled her eyes before she took her backpack, slung it over her shoulder, and walked after him.

They walked through a pair of glass doors and into the empty school. They walked and walked until they finally reached a strange room. The air smelled funny and Lupita didn't like it one bit.

The principal opened the door and stood aside. "After you," he said in a sweet tone.

Lupita looked at him cautiously before carefully taking a step in; the principal followed soon after.

The room was dark in the beginning before they eventually entered a lit part of it with a red, velvet chair in the middle. Not creepy at all.

"Cozy," Lupita said and scrunched up her nose.

"Please sit down in the chair," the principal said and playfully shoved her shoulder.

Lupita growled lowly at him. He pulled his hand back quickly and she refocused her attention on the chair. It looked comfy, but the whole room reeked of danger.

"You must be insane if you think I would ever do that," she said and took a step back.

"It won't hurt you. Look, I'll even sit down in it," he said in a cheery voice and practically skipped over to the chair. How were humans so... cheery?

He did as he promised and sat down on the chair with a wide grin spread across his face.

"See? Not dangerous," he said and stood up then patted the chair.

Lupita carefully walked over to the chair and sniffed the air around it. After she found nothing wrong, she carefully sat down. She almost sank down in the soft cushion and gripped the arms of the chair to not think into the abyss.

"Ok," the principal suddenly said while clapping his hands together, making Lupita snap her head up to look at him. "I am going to need you to react to what I have right...here." He pulled out a purple flower and pulled it close to her.

"Get that thing away from me!" Lupita shouted and got up from the chair. "Is that what you want!? Torture me?!"

"Well, you passed the first test," the principal said and walked over to her. "Now please touch it."

"You must be cra-ahh!" Lupita pulled her hand back as he touched the flower to her exposed skin. It burned like she was touched by hot iron.

"Ok, next test," he said and walked away.

Lupita stared at him and then she looked at her wrist. There was a small burn there. She closed her eyes as images of that night flashed through her mind. She looked at her burn again before carefully bringing it up to her mouth and licking it. The pain faded almost immediately and the wound slowly faded away.

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