14.- Homophobes?

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TW: homophobic slur, scars, self-harm (but not really, but at the same time it is).

Well... Lupita's short break from school had been anything but. She hadn't even been near it for a full week, which meant the full moon was tonight and she was restless. She had no contact with Jazmyn and barely any with John over the time she had spent trying to avoid everyone and everything, except her squirrel friend which she couldn't seem to shake.

It had been rough, to say the least, and she had gone through four different sets of clothing as she either hadn't been able to get them off in time or ripped them off whenever her wolf forced her way out in a hurry. She had spent most of her time in the forest, away from any packs and human territory, as well as the kitsunes which were bordered with the humans. North hadn't shown up either, but Lupita had caught her scent and Alex's scent a few times when she went on a rampage.

When the week was over, she had finally calmed down her wolf and herself, though they took the Monday off to heal a few wounds that they caused themselves before finally being able to function without shutting down at every sound that was made. It was not much of an improvement, but she needed to get back to school if she wanted to at least try and make her parents proud. Not that she would get any kind of human job after she was done though.

"You ready to leave muffin?" John asked and came up to her and ruffled her hair to wake her. She found she didn't mind him touching her hair that way and allowed him to do so whenever he wanted without biting off a finger.

"Yeah," she groaned and got up from the sofa and to the bathroom. She quickly did her business, brushed her teeth, and took off her sleepwear. But before she put on the clothes that John had left for her, she took the time to examine her body after the rough week she had. Her usual scars on her stomach were there with a few new ones that would never fully heal in between; her arms had no scars, save for the ones on her wrists, other than that the moon tattoos were there, unharmed by everything they had faced, along with the full moon on her back, but it was surrounded by multiple different scars, both from her and others; old and new. She didn't show her unusual birthmark or "tattoo" - as she called it when someone asked - to anyone. It was weird and hard to explain. How could you explain that you had the full moon cycle on your body without people asking an absurd amount of questions? 'Oh, these tattoos? They are a permanent reminder of my heritage and my connection to the devil's son.' No, she wouldn't tell that to Jazmyn or John. Better to hide them.

"You ok in there muffin?" John asked as he knocked on the door and pulled Lupita from her thoughts into a horrifying memory of a metal bar before she calmed down.

"Yeah," she said out of breath as she breathed in heavily before putting on her clothes and not sparing a glance at her scared legs or neck before she got out.

"Remember to breathe," John said and placed his hands on her shoulders and took a deep breath in, motioning for her to do the same, and she did. It was strange how this man had learned so much about her in this horrible week when she might have been with him for 24 hours at most, and he still let her stay.

Once they finished their breathing exercise John looked at her to confirm she was ok, and when he was satisfied he led her to the kitchen where she ate a portion of eggs, a lot of bacon, and cut-up fruit which included a lot of bananas. In her short time with the kind old man, Lupita had figured out her liking for the strange fruit, along with her liking for strawberries and her disgust towards mushrooms.

After they both finished eating, Lupita hugged John goodbye and ran for the school. It took her only 10 minutes of sprinting but she was still late.

Lupita quickly looked around the school to see if she could see the mean vampire teacher she had had the misfortune of bumping into the last time she was here. Lucky for her, he was nowhere to be seen, but she could figure out his smell amongst the thousand others. He smelled of death.

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