31.- Memories

118 8 18

TW: blood, torture (mild)




The smell of blood and smoke filled every sense of her being. Her legs pounded on the soft forest floor as the screams echoed in the night. Branches ripped and tore at her clothes, and her bare feet ached as she barelled through the forest.


Pain?! Again?! Searing and burning. The smell of silver and wolfsbane filled her senses as she clawed at the net that covered her. The taste of dirt and blood mixed in her mouth as footsteps approached.

"A little wolf pup?" a snake-like hiss sounded through the night air and a nauseatingly clean smell entered her nose. "Do you have any use, pup? You seem fairly strong. And pretty enough. You could go for a lot."

A growl rumbled in her chest as she stared up at the masked man. He was tall, and lean, and wore a white and silver mask that covered his entire face and left black spaces for his eyes. She felt static and smoke seep out of her skin as the man examined her. He had a small crew with him, and they all stepped back as they saw her.

"Oh, so you are Fenrir's whore child," the man said and Lupita shook with rage. "A demigod. Under my mercy. My, my. My lucky day. You will do just fine."

Darkness. Nothing. What was happening?

Again she felt pain. A searing agonizing pain in her soul. Her wrists stung and it was difficult to breathe. She could hear words being said. Then silence.

"You are bound to be."

The whisper snaked around in her head as she felt the cool metal on her neck and the pulsating wound in her palm. "You will do as I say until your death."

Lupita felt herself fall to the ground. Had she been standing? Sitting? She didn't know, and she didn't care. The floor was cold, hard, and wet. The silver shackles burned her wrist as she tried to get comfortable, as did the ones on her ankles.

The two men left the room and Lupita was left in silence. She had only heard horror stories of the collaring process, and yet they did not compare to the pain she was in. Her soul, her body, her entire being screamed in agony as she lay on the cold stone floor. Her body twisted uncomfortably as the chains restrained her, but she was unable to move to sit. Not even her wolves could comfort her this time.

The scenery changed. The floor was no longer stone but sand. Warm sand covered in blood. A hammer made its way toward her and she ducked. Once she straightened back up, she managed to look at the man. He was bigger than her. Much bigger. His muscles bulged and the ground shook as he walked toward her.

"Little Blood Moon can't handle me?!" his voice was low and booming, enough for the people around them in the stands to hear over their own screams. Lupita spat out a clump of blood from her mouth and looked around. The walls were smooth stone and impossibly tall. Dried blood permanently staining the light sandy color.

"Kill him."

The whisper clouded her mind. She couldn't see what was in front of her, couldn't feel her body move, she couldn't... feel. Her vision came back first. She saw red. Blood splattered everywhere. Then she felt. Felt the weight of... something in her hand. She didn't turn to look. Then her feelings came back. She was nauseous, scared, angry, sad.

Shouts echoed through the arena. She was used to them by now and they no longer gave her a headache as they usually did. Still, it hurt to hear her gladiator name being called out with cheers as if this was a victory. It was a stupid name either way and they only made themselves look stupid by chanting.

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