16.- Shift

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"Bye North, see you tonight!" Jazmyn shouted while Lupita just waved at the white wolf and smiled as she held her girlfriend before they walked away. "Are you sure you are ok with shifting with me? I have a pretty gruesome shift," Jazmyn said and Lupita just smiled at her.

"It is completely fine. You aren't a Lycan at least," she said and smiled. Lycans were close to werewolves like her, but they were the more historically accurate ones, or as some would say, "Greek werewolves", as they came from Zeus' curse to king Lycos. Modern werewolves reclaimed the name thousands of years ago, and renamed the cursed wolves "Lycans". The main difference between them was that the Lycans had no connection to their wolf and therefore would go rampage on the full moons. They also seem more human-like when in their "wolf" form, and their transformations are always painful.

"I take great offense in that," Jazmyn said and looked away dramatically, causing Lupita to laugh.

They didn't say anything as they walked to Elizabeth's car, they just walked in peaceful silence. It had been slightly awkward after the whole thing with Ambrosia but they had managed to get through the day without being much different from how they were. Though, Lupita wasn't quite sure how they "used" to be as they had barely known each other for more than only a few days. If she had to guess, their "usual" would be just being around each other...?

"Hi girls," Elizabeth said in a jolly voice. Lupita smiled while Jazmyn kissed her mother's cheek and sat in the front while Lupita sat in the back. The car started up and Lupita ended up scratching up the back seat and apologizing profusely as she realized what she had done.

"Now," Elizabeth began while Lupita looked out the window and at the trees passing by. "You will go to the location I drive you to before sundown. You will not go into the neighboring territories and howl if you need help, any werewolf near you will come and help. I will come and pick you up at 7, and you better be in the same place as where I left you or you will be grounded for eternity."

"Ok mom," Jazmyn said and kissed her cheek then looked back at her friend. "You good back there?"

"I hate cars," Lupita answered shortly and tried her best not to damage her face more with her claws as she rested her face in her hand.

"We are only 3 minutes away," Jazmyn said and turned in her seat before placing a hand on Lupita's thigh. The other girl just nodded and took a deep breath as she continued to stare out of the window, trying to distract herself from the sounds and jolts the car would make.

They eventually reached the house and Lupita just about fell out of the car as she tried to get out. She followed Jazmyn and Elizabeth into the house and waved at Daniel who was laying sick on the couch.

"Hello my ladies," he said with a smile as Elizabeth walked over to him and kissed his cheek and Jazmyn hugged him tight. "How was school?"

"Interesting," Jazmyn said after looking over at Lupita who had taken off her shoes and was now looking around the room to see if there was anything she could eat.

"Ah, the wild one is back!" Daniel shouted and Lupita smiled at the sick, human man. "Where did you run off to? We didn't scare you, did we?"

"No," Lupita answered simply and walked into the kitchen where Elizabeth was stressing about; running around and trying to get something done.

"What are you doing over there honey?" Daniel asked, dropping the subject about Lupita.

"Making lunches for these two as they have to shift elsewhere because Lupita can be seen as a rogue if she is spotted near us, and that could bring us into danger," Elizabeth said while cutting up a few slices of meat and putting them in boxes.

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