26.- Memories

174 9 11

Slight TW

Lupita POV

The door slammed shut and Lupita clenched her blanket. She could hear MJ apologize but she didn't hear the door open again.

"I know you are awake," she heard from her side and she slowly opened her eyes. Just as before, she saw nothing. It felt terrifying. She felt alone and vulnerable without her sight and her wolf. Her heart ached and she tried to hold back tears.

"What happened to you?" MJ asked with worry laced in her voice.

Lupita slowly sat up and felt a warmth on her right side. She leaned into the man and let her tears fall down her cheeks.

"I really don't want to talk about it," Lupita said and sniffled.

"That's fine," MJ said and Lupita could hear her shuffle about. "But you need to tell us. It doesn't have to be now, but we need to know. Both for your sake and for Ambrosia's."

"You talked about a... memory stone?" Lupita heard John ask.

"Yes," MJ said. "It's a spell that utilizes a special crystal, or stone, to bring back memories. With it, a person would be able to show their memories. Which could be better for some. But it is a hard process as you must live through that memory again. And there are a lot of witches who use it without consent so it isn't a ritual with the best reputation. And... it isn't easy to control which memory someone sees. Just as our thoughts normally do, they also drift with the spell. Though it is possible to stabilize."

"I see," John said and Lupita felt an arm wrap around her shoulder and squeeze her arm. At the same time, she heard his heart race. She snuggled further into him in the hope of calming him. His heart slowed but it never came back to its regular speed.

"Would you be ok with that Lupita?" MJ asked.

Lupita closed her eyes again. Just the slight thought of that time made her shake with fear. What would happen if she had to go through that time again? Would she be able to go that all again? She had heard horror stories of people going through with the memory stone ritual. They were never the same. They could never get rid of the memories. They were haunted by their worst memories until the end of their lives, never being able to live in peace. However Lupita remembered that this mostly happened when witches would use it for evil and bring out the worst of one's memories, and she had heard of people finding peace within themselves after the ritual. Still, the spell was unpredictable, and Lupita could never get rid of the nightmares.

But... maybe it would help. She didn't even remember how she had gotten out of her previous collar. And she didn't want her mate to hate her even more than she already did.

"I need to think about it," Lupita said in a low voice barely above a whisper. She needed to be able to think straight before she could answer such a big question. Consulting with her wolf would also be important for this.

"Of course, but please be quick. I want to help you. And while she doesn't want to admit it Ambrosia only wants the best for you," MJ said. Lupita could hear the sincerity in her voice and smiled. She truly hoped she was right. "I need to leave now. Rowan will be worried if he saw Ambrosia storm out of here. Thank you for letting us enter sir. I hope you have a great rest of your day."

Lupita could hear shuffling and felt John leave her side. It instantly became cold as he left. The two left for the door and Lupita felt alone. Their voices disappeared and she could see the room she was in. Cold, hard, wet stone floors lay beneath her. Silver cuffs dug into her wrists and the only light source came from the torch located outside of the cell behind the steel bars. Lupita could feel the cold metal around her neck and her clothes sticking to her sweaty skin. Her breathing was laboured and the air smelled of rot and blood. Lupita felt it all, it was as if she was there again. There in that dreadful cell.

Footsteps along with the clanking of a staff could be heard outside of the cell. Lupita took a deep breath and readied herself for what was to come.

"You lost," a snakelike hissing voice came from outside the cell. "And you know what happens when you fail me and your supporters." Lupita didn't answer, she knew it was to no avail. "You are punished." She heard the door squeak open and she felt her heart pick up speed. "The Ring is ready for you, win and your punishment will be light, loose... you know the deal by now." Lupita nodded. She felt a searing pain under her chin as her face was brought up to meet the masked man. "Don't disappoint."


Lupita jerked and she flailed her arms around while whimpering. Her vision was gone. She was falling, she was cold, she couldn't breathe. Was she dying? Had she died? Was everything a dream? Was she still in that cell?

"Muffin it's me. You are safe, I just moved you somewhere else where you would be more comfortable." It was John's voice. Lupita felt her heart slow as she felt his arms around her and his sweet smell filled her nostrils. She quickly hugged him back. "You fell asleep as soon as MJ left and I thought it was a good idea to finally move you to someplace a little more comfortable than the sofa. I didn't think it would be that bad. I can move you back down."

So she had dreamt it? It felt so real. Too real. Maybe the combination of the new moon and bringing up the events had stirred something in her brain. Still, she felt herself shaking at the memory.

"It isn't the room," she said and felt her voice shake. Her arms squeezed the man tighter as she tried to calm down.

"That's good," John whispered and rubbed Lupita's back. "You should sleep. You need all your strength from what I gathered from the conversation."

Lupita smiled and slowly let go of the older man and lay down. The ground was softer and there was a soft pillow under her head. It was only now that she realized that this room smelled different from the room downstairs. It smelled old and dusty, but at the same time, it had a sweet smell like the rest of the house. But there was a heavy, sorrowful feeling over the room.

"Where am I?" Lupita asked as she felt a warm and light blanket-like cover placed over her. She didn't know the word for it in English, she would have to ask.

"It's just a spare room," she heard John say and she could hear the slight shake in his voice and knew he wasn't telling the truth.

"What does this room mean to you?" she asked.

"I don't want to talk about it right now," John said and Lupita realized she had overstepped.

"Sorry," she whimpered and buried her face in the pillow.

"It's ok," she heard John say in a solemn tone before he kissed her forehead and stepped out of the room, but she heard him leave the door open.

Lupita felt a small pit in her stomach. She was alone again. Left in the dark abyss of her mind. Completely alone. She felt herself shiver as small pieces of memories made their way to the front of her mind. Her heart raced and she clenched her eyes shut. A small light shone as she fought back the memories. The light came closer. It was a soft red. The light and shadow enveloped her like a hug and she finally felt safe. She could finally sleep.

A/N: first, welcome to all my new readers!!! I see you and I love you! (I love you my old readers as well❤️)

Second, I've been gone I know. On the bright side, you will most likely get a cheaper next week since I started writing that one as well. And sorry that it is a little short.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and if you see any spelling mistakes it would be lovely if you pointed them out (kindly please).

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Make sure to eat and drink something.

If no one has said it to you yet: I am incredibly proud of you!!

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all and thank you for reading. Leave a vote or comment, they are very appreciated! ❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

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