24.- Cat

196 11 17

TW: scars

Lupita sat in silence while drops of water dripped from her hair to the floor. She had sensed the anger of the vampire when she had walked out, and she understood. She was also angry. She was sad and all her previous memories came back to her as she felt the - surprisingly comfortable - material digg into her neck. Lupita looked down at her hands and saw the identical scars on her palms, the only difference being that one of them still hadn't fully healed. It seemed like her past would always come back.

A knock shook her away from her thoughts and she looked over at the door. The door opened and in stepped Bela with a pile of clothes in her arms.

"Hello," she said and came in. She had a sad smile on her face as she came over to Lupita. "I brought you some clothes," she said and placed them on the ground beside her. "Do you prefer loose-fitting clothes or tight-fit?"

"Loose," Lupita said and quickly hid her hands from the woman. Bela gave her a sad look and put out her hand. Lupita understood and gave her her newly scarred hand. The woman carefully looked at it and began to massage around her nearly healed wound.

"A real shame that this happened a few hours before the new moon," Bela said and let go of her hand. She then reached over to the clothes on the floor and took out a big shirt, a sports bra, a pair of boxers and a pair of loose pants. "Do you have anyone I can call? Is there anyone you want me to call?"

"Yes," Lupita said as she started to put on the clothes. Bela kept eye contact with her which made her look down or to the other parts of the bathroom. "John."

"Do you know his number?" Bela asked and stood up before turning around.

"Yes," Lupita said and quickly put on her bottom clothes. As she did, she realized how much her eyesight had worsened over the past few hours. If she moved her eyes too fast the world became blurry, and she had to strain her eyes to focus on different things in the room. Her wolf was slowly leaving her, making her weak. It wasn't a comforting feeling.

"Good," Bela said and turned around when Lupita said she could. "Are you hungry?"

Lupita nodded and walked with Bela out of the bathroom and down the stairs where Ambrosia was sitting in front of the TV. Bela told Lupita to just follow her when she realized the girl was stalling, though there was a hint of... something, in her voice. Lupita didn't know what but the woman was smiling. So she followed the older vampire into the kitchen and sat down on a high chair when Bela pointed to it.

"Do you like raw or cooked meat?" the woman asked as she opened the fridge.

"Raw," Lupita said, "but a little warm." Bela nodded and took some meat out of the fridge before closing it.

Lupita looked around the room as she heard the woman prepare the meat. The kitchen was very small. Only a tiny square with the bare minimum. A counter, sink, microwave, oven, fridge, and freezer. There were also a lot of cabinets and drawers. The table Lupita was sitting at was square with six chairs on the sides. Two on two sides and one on the other sides. She sat on the side with only one chair. The living room was on her left, that was where Ambrosia was watching TV. The rest was almost the same as upstairs. Only with a big, dark wooden table on another side with maybe 12 chairs. Probably for meetings. The whole house was white or black or had another neutral color. Upstairs had more colors, which Lupita thought looked nicer.

"Here you go," Bela said and placed a bowl of meat slices in front of her. Lupita looked up at her and smiled before looking back at the bowl. She wasn't given any utensils but didn't ask for any and began to eat with her hands. The meat was the perfect temperature and tasted amazing. "Ambrosia, come here," Bela said and handed Lupita a towel. The other vampire came over and stood as far away from Lupita as she could. "Here," the woman handed her a cup and Ambrosia said a quick thanks before walking away from them and sitting back down on the couch.

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