7.- Dream

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"Do you see the moon, honey?" Anders asked his daughter. Lupita nodded excitedly and stared up at the almost full moon. "Do you like the moon?"

"Yes!" Lupita said while clapping her hands, a slight lisp in her voice caused by the front tooth that was missing.

"Do you know the story behind how the werewolves came to be because of it?" Anders asked and placed his daughter in his lap.

"No," Lupita said and squealed when her father began tickling her.

"But you should by now!" he said while laughing along with her.

"Dada stop!" the little girl squealed as her father continued to tickle her stomach. "I'm only 3!"

"That is true, but you still have to learn," Anders said and laid down on the grass while his daughter sat on his chest and looked down at him with her eyes that were almost identical to the moon.

"What is the story?" Lupita asked.

"The story behind the moon..." Anders began and placed his daughter beside him. "It is said that the moon goddess - Luna as some call her - was a woman. Just a normal woman in the old days. She would play around with her friends, help her mother at home, help her siblings, and go to school just like we do today. But the old days were also the prime time of gods in our world.

"The world wasn't as we see it today, it was smaller and most people lived close to each other. The gods were at war and with war comes many consequences. Luna was unfortunate enough to get into one of those. Legend says she was strolling around in the forest when a large wolf came upon her."

"Fenrir," Lupita said and got closer to her father. While Fenrir was a God in her werewolf community, he wasn't seen as particularly good.

"Yes, Fenrir. One of the Gods of werewolves. The legend isn't completely clear after that. Some say Fenris bit her. Others say Loki came down and cursed Luna. Others think something worse took place, but most go with the first one, it makes the most sense.

"Luna was turned into a werewolf, and when she first transformed, people got scared. They chased her out of her home and she was wounded. She spent days, years in the forest. Her supernatural powers made her wounds heal, but they couldn't heal the hole in her heart which was left after her family's betrayal. Luna wandered the forest for a long time, eventually coming across a strange person who had the same curse as her. No one knows if this person was a man or woman, the most liked theory is man, but I like to believe Luna would find a woman quite attractive. Especially with how the person was described in the legends."

"How were they described?" Lupita asked and tilted her head slightly.

"The person Luna found is said to have been gorgeous. They looked like they had been formed by the gods. Muscles and dark skin. Long curly hair, and yellow eyes."

"Pretty," Lupita said. "Luna?"

"Luna was said to be gorgeous as well. She is described to have had white hair and skin, while her eyes were purple. Shall I continue with the story?"


"Well, Luna grew close to the stranger and after a while, they seemed to have repaired Luna's broken heart. They grew close, to the point they have what your mother and I have. But disaster wouldn't leave Luna alone. Only three years after she had met her lover, her lover was killed."

"No!" Lupita protested. "Don't like bad endings. Good ending only," she said while blocking her father from talking further with her tiny hands.

"It wif geth good," Anders tried as his daughter shoved her hands into his mouth. "Trust me."

Lupita gave a tiny, cute growl before she pulled back and stared at her father with menacing eyes.

"So, Luna's lover was killed, which led Luna into an endless pit of sadness. She didn't want to believe she had lost the only one left that loved her. But lucky for her, the gods had watched over Luna and her lover ever since they were cursed and they took pity on them and let them join the gods above where they are in an endless dance, chasing each other around and around the world while laughing. For one cannot live without the other."

"The sun! Luna's lover was the sun!" Lupita exclaimed.

"That is right! Though they were called Sol back in the old days," Anders praised and kissed his daughter's cheek. "Many werewolves still debate on the theory of whether or not Sol was a man or a woman, but I think they might just have been a person. You know, like Taylor. They are just a person."

"I think so too. Makes more sense," Lupita said and hugged her father while yawning.

"Is my little moon tired?" Anders asked, picked her up, and held her close to his chest.

"Want mama," Lupita said.

"And I am right here."

Lupita lazily opened her eyes and smiled at the woman walking out of the trees, her long brown braided and laying over her shoulder. Her white eyes seemed to be almost glowing in the dark forest, almost looking like stars. Lupita loved her mother's eyes.

"Mommy!" Lupita said and made grabby hands towards her mother who took her from her father and rested her against her shoulder.

"You seem tired, love. You want some sleep?" she asked and Lupita nodded into her shoulder before drifting off. The last thing she remembered was hearing a small kiss noise and feeling her father behind her before she fell asleep in the comfort of their warmth and smell.

A/N: so, this whole interaction would have been in Norwegian as this took place in Norway. But I would have to write it twice so I think this is easier for everyone like this.

I haven't posted in a while cause I have been traveling a lot. And I will continue to travel for a while.

Also, would anyone else like to have a tiny feature in the story? (I asked in the previous chapter but I wanted to ask again.)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and if you see any spelling mistakes it would be lovely if you pointed them out.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Make sure to eat and drink something.

If no one has said it to you yet: I am incredibly proud of you!!

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all and thank you for reading. Leave a vote or comment, they are very appreciated! ❤💖❤💖❤💖

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