6.- Faun

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A/N: I would like to formally apologize to Alex_chuan for this as one of the characters are based of him. (The drawing above is also done by him)

"You shouldn't talk to vampires, they only want trouble," Jazmyn scolded as they walked out of the gym hall and out into fresh air.

"I think I can decide for myself who I do talk to and not talk to, thanks," Lupita answered and pulled her arm out of Jazmyn's grip.

"I know, but just so you know. You clearly haven't spent that much time with other species anyway," Jazmyn whispered that last part; it was probably not meant for Lupita to hear but she did.

"I know a lot about the other species, so don't come here and say that vampires are dangerous because I know," Lupita growled and walked away. She wasn't in the mood to punch the girl she had only just met, and she wasn't sure how much the halfling could take. The thought of getting flashbacks also wasn't pleasant and this girl was sadly pushing her close to the edge.

"Wait!" Jazmyn shouted and suddenly she was in front of her. She was almost as fast as a full-blooded werewolf. "I'm sorry. I know I don't know that much about you and it was wrong of me to assume. I am just scared for you. You are new here and... I also want to still have you as a... friend?" Was she... blushing?

Ah, so she was jealous. Maybe.

"Don't worry, you will still have me as a friend, but stop assuming things about me," Lupita said sternly and walked past her.

"Don't you want to come home with me?" Jazmyn asked her but made no move to follow.

"No, I'll be fine," Lupita said and continued to walk. She didn't hear anything and guessed Jazmyn had listened to her.

After a while of just walking in random directions, Lupita finally reached the forest. It was nice that it was so close to the school; it made it easy to run off if she needed to.

Lupita walked for a while before coming upon a large tree. She looked up at it before quickly kicking off her shoes, hiding them, and then looking back up at the tree. This would be hard, but she would manage. She took a deep breath and slightly bent her knees before pouncing and grabbing the nearest branch. She thought she was good but her hands began to slip ever so slightly, making her claws spring out and burying themselves in the wood.

"Flott," she mumbled and hoisted herself up on the branch. Her claws were still stuck and tugging too hard might break the branch she was on, but not tugging hard enough would never take her claws out. Maybe one hard tug could get them out.

"På 3," she told herself and readied herself. "1... 2... 3!" She tugged as hard as she could and her claws came out of the wood but lost her balance in the process and almost fell off making her claws dig themselves back into the wood out of reflexes.

This would take a while.

After getting her claws out of the wood again and finding a way to not dig them in to the point they got stuck but that she would have a sturdy enough grip to not fall, she began to climb again. She jumped from branch to branch, digging her claws halfway into the wood before pulling herself up on the branches and continuing this seemingly endless cycle until she reached a hole in the wood. She reached her arm in and searched around for a while before finding what she was looking for along with something... soft?

Lupita pulled her hand out. She had a small book and a necklace in her grasp, but also something orange. She laughed when she saw the tiny creature try to get out of her grasp - it was a squirrel.

"Hei," she said, sat down on the branch she was crouching on, and leaned her back against the tree. "Hva er det du gjør her?" she asked it and gently took it in one of her hands and placed the book and necklace on her lap. The tiny animal squirmed in her grasp but she tried to calm it down. And after a lot of calming words, it did. It sat on its hind legs and looked up at Lupita with big, beady eyes. "Du er søt." She rubbed her nose to its and it happily returned the gesture.

Blood Moon (girlxgirl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang