Nightmares (Part four)

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      "Wanda!" Pietro shouted as red energy flowed through the air.

    "Wanda you need to stop," Erik said standing protectively in front of Peter.

     "I can't" She cried as the red spread. It started to spark before ripping her loved ones apart "No!" Wanda screamed putting her hands over her mouth as tears ran down her cheeks. Everyone around her is dead and it's all her fault. She couldn't control her powers and now they're gone.

     Everyone gathered around watching as Hank and Charles stood over their unconscious teammates.

     "So what's wrong?" Kaylin asked finally breaking the silence.

     "They're in some kind of mind prison," Charles said concentrating on Peter "It's like each of them is experiencing their worst nightmare"

Erik's vision
     Erik's stomach dropped as he looked over the carnage. Bits of metal impaled in the mangled bodies below.

     "What the-" he turned to see an angry mob carrying the bodies of three dead mutants.

     "Don't you understand Erik, this is all you" Stryker's voice called in his head "You're the reason Mutants are fear, the reason your children must die"

     "He's feeding off their fear" Hank stated looking at a chart.

     "He did seem to get stronger after knocking the others out" Tim informed "If he is feeding off them we're going to need to shut down his power source"

     "You mean we should kill them?" Roy asked.

     "What-No!" Tim snapped "I meant to break the hold he has on them"

     "I can link their minds together" Megan offered "but someone is going to have to go in" Everyone silently gazed around the room.

     "I'll do it," Jack said stepping forward.

Pietro 2# vision
     'Not this placed' Pietro jerked against the restraints.

     "Ah I see the subject has awakened" a scientist grinned "Welcome back Pietro"

     'Cadmas' Pietro glared at the man in front of him 'didn't Lorna and her friends destroy this place'

     'You really think a group of teens could stop us' Pietro felt a shiver go down his spine. They were in his mind again.

     "What do you want?!" He pulled harder against his restraints.

     "You've been a bad meta so we're going to have to punish you" the man flicked a light switch "Just like your teammates" Pietro stared in horror at the mauled bodies of his teammates.

Back at the School
     "These should keep you from breathing the mist," Hank said passing out the special masks.

     "That's great for us but what about all the civilians?" Snart asked crossing his arms "It's like an endless power supply for him"

     "I've been thinking about that" Tim spoke up "It seems he follows energy if we could create a device we can mimic that energy and lead him away" Damian bit back a smile, this was more like the Tim he knew.

     "Problem" Hank frowned "We need somewhere to lead him and I'm afraid there's nowhere on this Earth we can lead him that there won't be civilians.

     "So we lead him to a dead world" Kaylin stood up.

     "Are you sure about this?" Charles asked "You know there could be serious mental side effects"

     "A storm means nothing when there's already a hurricane," Jack said getting ready.

     "There are so many things wrong with what you just said," Kaylin said as Megan got in place.

     "So you put me in a dream state and she links everyone together?" Jack asked looking over at Megan.

    "And of course, there's a slim chance I fry your brain" Charles whispered the last part.

    "Wh-" Jack was knocked out before he could finish.

     "It's up to him now" Hank nodded before turning around "Okay let's get you guys moving" he pressed a button opening a portal.

     "Everyone got their Gas mask?" Damian asked turning to the group "Okay let's move out" Damian nodded towards the portal. They all ran through the portal landing on the grassless ground.

     Jack glanced around what seemed to be a void. Silver wires covered the ground some covered in blood. Shards of metal flew at him.

     "It's not real" he reminded himself standing his ground. The metal dropped to the ground.

     "Oh really" Erik stepped forward. His hands were covered in blood and his eyes looked like those of a beast "Aren't I, your real fear" Jack clenched his fist.

     "No" His voice was firm and steady "you aren't real...for years I feared you, I hated you, but you aren't real, I don't like the real Erik but I respect him he is nothing like you"

     "Very well," the vision said as everything shattered revealing that he was in a white room with a door.

     'It's like a cell' he thought to himself looking at the door 'So this must lead to the other cells' he took a deep breath before reaching out for the handle.

     "So this is what a dead world looks like?" Damian said looking around. There were large cracks in the ground and piles of rubble that had undoubtedly been buildings. There wasn't a bit of green to be seen.

     "A lot more birds than I thought there would be" Lorna glanced around uneasily at the birds perched along the rubble watching them.

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