The sly what?

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      Tim was on his way back from taking Dick to the Manor and was looking forward to a warm cup of coffee and a blanket. Sadly his car was still in the shop so to get to that cup of coffee he would have to walk through Crime Ally in the rain.

     'I really should move' he frowned. He knew that wasn't exactly possible as the apparent listing for dead people were somewhat slim. He was cut off from his thoughts by a whimpering noise coming from the rain ditch. He bent down to get a good look. Something squirming around in there.

     "Hold on I got you," he said reaching into the ditch. He gently pulled it out and wrapped it in his damp coat. It was a small reddish brown puppy "Hey little guy" Tim smiled down "How about we get you home?"

Time skip
     Tim gently rubbed the towel around the little guy drying away the drops of rain.

     "There you go" he smiled placing the pup on the couch. The pup stared at him curiously before snuggling into his side. "You're going to need a name," Tim said petting him "How about Bean?" The pup snuggled close as if to agree.

Time skip
     Tim stood in front of the coffee maker preparing his fuel for the day. Bean was snuggled on his shoulder watching. There was a click at the door followed by footsteps. He easily recognized the footsteps but knew he had not given Damian a key.

     "Hey Tim I brought your brat back," Damian said walking through the hall with Dick clinging to his side.

     "Thanks," Tim said turning around.

     "What is that?" Damian asked pointing to the ball of fur sitting on Tim's shoulder.

     "Oh this is my new puppy Bean" Tim smiled at the ball of fluff.

     "Tim that's a Fox," Damian said studying the cub.

      "What, no he's a puppy" Tim crossed his arms nearly knocking the Bean off his shoulder.

     "That is most defiantly a fox cub"

Two weeks later
     "You little lair" Tim glared at the small fox curled up happily in his lap.

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