chapter 3- pain and hope

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Alpha damien p.o.v.

I woke up to soft knocking on the door. I groaned still feeling exhausted but I got up anyways. I opened the door and it was my future beta jack.

"Hey are you ready to start going down" Jack asked me.

"Yeah, didnt hear my alarm though" I said a little confused.

I looked at my phone to see if it's gone of yet and it had done but my phone was on silent so I didnt end up hearing it. I must of been that tired I forgot to put it on loud.

I grabbed my phone and my wallet and walked downstairs with my sister, mother, jack and there warrior who was showing us where to go.

The warrior knocked on the door and with a "come in" from alpha kane we walked in.

Sat on his big chair was alpha kane with luna cassie behind him. Stood to luna cassies left was keaton with beta jason and Isabella.

We walked in and took the seats infront of alpha kane.

"I hope you all settled in well. If you need anything you may come to any of us who are in this room or to a maid. Now lets get started on busines."

"Thanks, so my mate alpha drake asked you to train my son a little more and his beta. I want to thank you for actually saying yes and agreeing to help even if my mate is a little bit of a dick sometimes. " my mother harper said softly but a little stiff when talking about my father.

"Its okay. May I ask why you have not stayed with your mate? Normally mated couples like to stay together as they dont like being far from eachother. "

I seen the tears in her eyes but she blinked them away. My father is a really touchy subject for my mother which is understandable.

Before she could answer tho she dropped to the floor and screamed out in pain. She whimpered and bit her lip to stop her from screaming out again.

I growled loudly with rage knowing full well she is in pain because my bastard of a father doesnt know how to keep his dick in his pants.

I walked up to her and held her to my chest taking in her scent. She cried and screamed in my chest while I soothed her as much as I possibly could.

I looked up and seen everyone apart from the people from my pack looking at her in horror. They know exactly what is happening. I growled when beta jack stepped forwards one step and it made my wolf come out to protect his mother.

I snarled when he tried to talk to me to calm me down. My mother screamed out in pain again which made my wolf whimper out loud.

All of a sudden I felt sparks on my arm. My head snapped to my left side but we already knew it was Keaton.

"Hey it's okay please calm down. We dont want to hurt your mother we just want to make sure she is okay and we need to know what's going on so we can try help" he said so softly that it really calmed me down.

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