chapter 16- on the way back

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Alpha damiens p.o.v.

We got in the car and I started driving straight away wanting to get out there as soon as possible already wanting to RIP my so called father to pieces. I could sense something eas wrong with my mom when she came downstairs ready to go. Something Is not right I can feel it.

"Are you okay mom?" I asked her softly.

"Ye-yeah of course" she stuttered out. I could see she was crying but trying not to show it.

I sighed softly wishing I could do anything to help her out. I honestly can not wait for all this to be over with. I hope my mom finds someone amazing. I see how the beta looks at her. I know he cares for us all. I wonder if they could ever get together or if it would be to much for mom.

She started to drift of so I just kept glancing st her every now and then and driving forward ready to get to alpha kanes pack.

I'm really looking forward to see Keaton. I can honestly not wait to see him. I haven't spoken to him for what seems like ages I just couldnt risk my father seeing me speaking to someone alot.

As soon as I have a next stop to pull up st I am going to mindlink him and tell him we are on our way back.

I am coming up to the cafe I was at before when my mother started to stir.

"Hey mom. We are about 5 minutes away from the cafe so we can grab something to eat." I said softly glancing at her.

However what i saw made me slam on my brakes before she could even reply to me.

I growled so fucking loud that the car shook side to side.

"WHO DID THAT TO YOU!?" I roared.

On her face, because she has been crying I could see where the makeup was coming off and how she has bruises on her cheeks .  One side looks more of a handprint then anything. And let me tell you one thing. Thay hand print is massive. I growled again looking at it.

My mom whimpered and put her hand on my arm trying to calm me down but it wasnt working.

"Please son calm down. Your scaring me a little. Why dont we talk about it when we get to Keaton's pack" she said softly.

I growled a little more.

"Was it him?" I gritted out.

She looked away from me. She didnt have to say anything I knew the answer.

I was about to spin the car around to go and kill him when her eyes widened already knowing what I am about to do.

"Stop! dont be stupid damien. It will be you against all of them. How will keaton feel. He needs you and we need to figure this out properly. Going back now and going mad is not going to help anything it will only make it worse  now lets go straight to alpha kanes pack so you can see keaton". she said sternly.

I sighed softly but knew she was right. I really needed to see keaton as I could feel that I wanted to shift out of anger. I put my foot on the paddle not caring I am going over the speed limit. When my mum squealed though with how fast I was going I slowed down a little not wanting to scare her.

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