chapter 27- changes// epilogue

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Keaton p.o.v.

It's been just over a week since the challenge and everything is going great so far. Today we are moving to our pack and I'm really excited. I will be introduced when we get there and so will jayce.

We also learn't that jayce has alpha blood in him which means he will take over the pack when damien retires.

In this week jayce also opened up to us. His parents where alphas when jayce uncle challenged his father to the title with his uncle winning. The uncle was jayce fathers most trusted man but he betrayed him.

Ever since his uncle treat him as a slave and what makes it worse is he is only 5 years old. My heart broke for him.

Then there is myself and Damian. We are doing amazing. Damien is all healed up and we right now are sat in the car after saying our goodbyes to my family.

Jayce is asleep in the back of the car while myself and damien are talking about what changes to bring to the pack.

"We are of course going to change about the slaves that are gay and that they are allowed to train if they want to" damien said.

"Wait they wasnt allowed to train?" I asked.

"No father said they deserve to die if anything happens" damien sighed.

My hear ached and I shook my head.

"That is definitely going to change." I said softly.

He nodded his head in agreement.

Finally we reached our pack and he took me straight to his home. Jayce had woken up at this point so he took us on a tour. The house was beautiful and I fell in love with it straight away.

Now though it's time to meet the pack. We are having a meeting at the pack house and I'm getting more nervous.

We made it to the pack house and everyone was already there.

"Good evening everyone. As you all know I challenged my father to the alpha position and I won. As from now on I am your alpha and I will be making changes to this pack!." He said in his alpha voice.

"The first rule I will be changing is that I dont care who your mate is. Even if you are gay. You are allowed to be in my pack and live a good life. No more gays being slaves so if I find out anyone has been trying to make any gays be there slaves soon i will kill you or ban you from our pack" his alpha voice boomed.

"Now speaking of gays i would like to introduce you to my mate. Some of you are aware some are not but I am gay. This is my mate keaton and our son your soon to be alpha jayce" he roared. Some pack members gasped of surprise and happiness.

Myself and jayce walked on stage and I heard roars of cheers and happiness. I smiled politly at everyone and it made people cheer more. I heard a lot of welcome luna Keaton's which I will have to get use to.

"If any of you have any problems with this then you may come forward" alpha damien boomed.

A couple of people stepped forwards.

"I alpha damien van you from my pack! You have 5 minutes to get off my land"alpha damien said in rage.

Gasps were heard all around.

"You can not do this!" One of them roared. None of us cared though as the warriors grabbed them and took them off our lands.

For the rest of the night everyone cheered and welcomed us. I never expected to fit in so quick. It was so nice and everyone was lovely.

Alpha damiens p.o.v.

1 year later

It's been a year since we moved back to my pack and I have to say it's going amazing. Keaton fits in with everyone and makes an amazing luna. Jayce made a few good friends and is as confident as ever.

His alpha side has come out more with the dominance which is crazy to believe as he is now only 6.  Everything has happened so fast.

We also have a pair of twins with us who are always up to pranking everyone. They are cuties though and they are 5 years old.

Recently we have adopted a little girl who is 3 years old. She is an omega but she is so cute and shy. She loves her brothers and looks up to them. The boys are very protective of her.

Myself and keaton could never be happier. I mean we still bicker at eachother sometimes but I love him so much. I wouldn't change my life for anything. Its amazing as it is. My pack is doing amazing and so is my family.

I will always be grateful for alpha kane and luna cassie. They helped out a lot. I have become really close to alpha kane.

As for my mom she is doing amazing. She is finally happy.

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