CH 26

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Draya's POV

Once we're back in our lair, I exerted my last remaining energy into punching Daniel and Jack.

"You idiots! You had one job and you can't even do it right?! I was so close!" I scream at them, breathing heavily

"It's not my fault now is it?! Daniel keeps visiting her and wanting to touch her so bad." Jack blames the other

"She's my mate! How can I not want to touch what's mine?!" Daniel screams back

I groan in annoyance.

What a delusional prick.

"Enough! Camilla won't remember the way here anymore but we're still going to relocate our lair. And this time, we should have a flawless plan. I am not going down like Onyx did!" I say sternly

I cast a spell of self healing and soon, all my wounds are gone and I feel my energy starting to come back. Before any of them could talk, I shut them up.

"Don't disturb me. I am in need of a beauty sleep. We will leave once the sun rises." I say and retreat to my room

"I will avenge you, sis. I won't disappoint you." I whisper to myself, feeling determined than before

Camilla's POV

Matteo growls in frustration as he breaks the couch into pieces. Warriors cower in fear and step back, away from my mate's way.

"How could you have lost them?!" He growls

"W-we're sorry, Alpha." one of them stutters

"Sorry?!" He yells

As Matteo is about to break another furniture, I stop him and send the warriors away. They hurriedly leave the office.


At my calm voice, he drops the chair and slumps down on his chair with a frustrated sigh, massaging his temples. I sit on the arm of his chair and caress his shoulder to calm him down.

"You have to calm down, Matteo. It's not their fault. Draya is a witch, she must be very experienced to heal partially and escape that quick without a trace." I say calmly but I'm as enraged as he is.

He sighs.

"You're right. You always are." He says, nodding as he looks up and gives me a tiny smile

I return the smile, "Good."

I stand to leave but he pulls me towards him, making me sit on his lap.

I gasp, "Matteo-"

"Mason is still fuming." He mumbles, burying his nose into my neck

I smile. I adjust myself comfortably on his lap and calm him down. He inhales my scent and visibly calms down, I could feel him and Mason slowly relax.

It must've been an hour of us staying like that in silence because a sudden knock on the door snap us back to reality. I look out the window and notice its getting dark.

"Come in, G." Matteo says

Gina opens the door and sees our position. She smirks and closes the door behind her.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asks, with a teasing smile on her face.

Matteo rolls his eyes and I playfully glare at her.

"No, you weren't." I say

Gina giggles silently, "Anyway, what are we going to do about Draya?" She asks as she sits down

Matteo growls lowly at the mention of her name.

"Nothing." I say

Matteo and Gina looks at me like I'm crazy.

"What do you mean nothing? She escaped! Who knows what she's going to do next? We need to find her!" Gina exclaims

"No, we're not going to do anything. We'll wait for her to come to us. When they do, we'll be ready." I say

"How sure are you that they'll come back?" Matteo asks

"Because they want what we have and they'll never rest until they have it."

The siblings nod. "While we wait for them to come to us, we'll strengthen our warriors and security. Accept pack members who are willing to serve and protect. Most importantly, keep the pack members safe."

"I'll notify Levi and Kyle right away then. We'll hold a pack meeting later this evening after dinner." Gina says

She nods then heads out first. I turn to Matteo and the look he's giving me feels warm.

"What?" I ask

"I should let you take the lead more often. You looked hot just now." He says, smirking

I turn away as my face heats up at his compliment. He tilts my face towards him and he gives me a peck on the lips.

"You are indeed a great Luna and Queen to this community. I am so glad the Moon Goddess paired you up with me. You are all mine."

"Took you long enough to realize." I tease as I punch his chest lightly, he fakes a wince

I giggle. A smile rests on my face at his touching words. I close the gap between us and kiss him. He immediately responds and deepens it. When we pull away, I rest my forehead against his.

"Thank you." I whisper

He smiles and hugs me tighter, and we stay like that until dinner time.

After dinner was finished, we all gather in the pack's auditorium. The pack members whisper amongst themselves as to why there's a pack meeting late in the evening. Once Matteo and I step into the stage, the room quiets down and waits patiently for us to speak.

"Red Moon, it is great to see all of you here tonight despite the sudden news about this meeting. As you all may or may not know, your Luna Queen was kidnapped for a week and an imposter was with us and disguised as your Queen. You may or may not have spoken to the imposter and I would personally ask you to forgive her as your Queen wasn't the one being selfish and rude to you, it was the imposter. Now that my mate has been officially announced as your Luna Queen, she wears the Luna crown and ring that now glows ruby red, you can easily identify your true Luna Queen. This crown and ring will only glow ruby red when she wears it, that's how you'll know it's the real Luna Queen." Matteo says

The crowd murmurs, Matteo holds up his hand and once again the room grows quiet.

"The imposter was imprisoned but has escaped recently. We will do everything we can to ensure this pack's safety, but we ask of you to not run near the borders for the time being. Warriors, starting today, you will train from 7AM to 10PM every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Border guards, you will also be training at the same time slots but on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. You will have your own schedules, Beta Levi and Delta Kyle will be distributing those to you soon. More of this will be discussed and clarified tomorrow at the training field. As for the others, please remain calm and don't do anything foolish. Don't you dare go against my commands. This is for your and this pack's safety. If any of you would be willing to fight and protect this pack, please stay behind after this meeting. If no one has any questions, you may leave."

The crowd stands and bows then leaves, leaving about 350 members willing to be a warrior.

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