CH 29

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Camilla's POV

The next day, Matteo and I take the day off from our duties and visit the pack doctor, to fully confirm our guesses and check to see what's happening inside my belly.

Dr. Melanie begins to check my belly using the monitor. After a few seconds, the room echoes of a steady heart beat. She turns to us with a smile, "Congratulations your Majesties, you are right. You're pregnant and have a healthy baby."

Matteo and I turn to each other with a grin.

"How big is our baby?"

"For now, your baby is a size of a donut. By the end of this month, your baby bump will be noticeable." She tells us as she cleans my belly from the gel she applied

We nod happily. We leave the hospital excitedly talking about the baby, who it'd look like the most, and who it'd take after. After dinner, I call my parents and tell them to come over with Ben because I have something exciting to tell them.

That day soon came and I prepared a special lunch for the happy occasion. My parents and Ben finally arrived and we all sit on the long table to have lunch. My mom keeps giving me glances like she knows what I'm going announce; hell, I'm sure everyone can smell it from me. After lunch, we all gather around the garden for some dessert and tea. I stand, finally ready to announce my pregnancy.

"Good afternoon everyone! I'm sure you can all sense what I'm going to announce." I say happily

They turn their heads to me, a smile already on their faces.

"Matteo and I are pregnant!"

They all break out in cheers and congratulations were heard. Ben, however, was nothing but frowning in disapproval. Ben quietly leaves the group and goes back inside, I worriedly follow after. I get inside and see my brother grabbing a drink from the table with a heavy sigh.

"Benny?" I quietly call him

"Tell me it isn't really his, Camilla." He says

My eyebrows furrow and it was now my turn to frown in disapproval. Out of all people, I thought my brother would be the happiest for me, he was there when I was suffering from being far from my mate, he was the one who told me to go with Kyle to be with my mate.

"Don't be ridiculous, Ben, of course it's his. Aren't you happy for me?"

"I want to, Cam. I really do. But I just can't when you are mated to him."

"What's that suppose to mean? You were the one who told me to go with Kyle so it'd end my suffering!"

He sighs, " I know, Cam, but he is not who you think he is. And just because I told you to go be with your mate, doesn't mean I approve of this. Maybe the Moon Goddess made a mistake." He says, whispering the last sentence

"The Moon Goddess don't make mistakes and you know that, Ben." I say, anger and disappointment building up

"If he isn't who I think he is, then tell me who he really is, Ben." I say, Carla was now growling in anger as well

Ben's mouth open and close, this angers me more because it seemed to me that he just didn't want to be happy for me and he's finding for an excuse.

"Let me tell you who he is, Ben." I start, "Matteo is my mate who is not a monster all of you perceive him to be. He is my mate who learned how to love and trust me despite his past. Deep down and behind his cold facade, he is a kind-hearted man."


My ears perk up as I hear his voice, calm wash over me. It took a few blinks for me to realize I'm right in front of my brother and was just glaring at him. Ben, who was looking guilty, was looking at me apologetically and that made me realize it was his wolf who didn't want to be supportive.

I sigh, before Matteo could come and calm me down. I sprint out of there, ignoring the calls from my mate.

Matteo's POV

I growl when I couldn't keep up with my mate. Since she's pregnant, she's more faster than me. I turn back and go towards Ben, Levi and Kyle already holding me back as if they sensed me.

"What did you tell my mate?!" I shout

"My conversation with my sister doesn't concern you." Ben growls

"Matt, calm down. Its almost midnight and Camilla is alone." Levi tells me

Just hearing my mate's name calmed me a little. I huff angrily and leave the room. I march out and see our parents looking at me worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll find her." I say before taking off

I shift to my wolf form and Mason pushes harder to run faster while following our mate's scent. Suddenly, I felt a mix of fear, protectiveness, and anger. Mason runs faster, fearing for what might happen to our mate base from her feelings. Soon, We found Camilla still in her human form, but she has a protective hand over her belly and we hear Carla's growl.

Mason jumps in front of Camilla and growls at the rogue that just stepped back from shock.

"That's the rogue that planned the escape for Draya." Mason growls

Mason lets out a growl as the rogue's shocked face slowly turn into a grin.

"Well well well, look who we have here?" He starts, " I finally have the power couple in front of me, you both are making this too easy for me." He laughs

"Matteo, whatever you do, don't attack. Him coming here might be trap, don't let him get to you." Camilla mind-links me

"Oh, mind-linking now, are we?" He chuckles

"Well then, I believe I've overstayed my welcome. I'll be back for you, My Queen, and you too, Your Majesty."

With a maniacal laugh, he disappears into thin air, scent untraceable. Mason growls frustratedly as we can't trace him because he was dripping with Draya's spell.

I shift back and turn around to face Camilla. Her eyes closed shut as if getting ready for me to scream at her for outrunning me, I sigh as Mason whimpers. I pull my mate into a hug and rub her back comfortingly.

"Lets go back home." I say and she nods.

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