CH 36

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Third person's POV

While Matteo was telling his sister what happened, Camilla appeared to be calm but she was all together heartbroken and betrayed inside. Carla was right all along, there was a she-wolf and it had to be Aspen. Does that mean Aspen was telling the truth all along? That they used to fill each other's sexual desires?

Shaking her head, Camilla just continues driving, pushing her thoughts to the deep bottom of her mind. Soon, she arrives and drives past the boarder guards as they bow. She parks at the mansion she lived in before she left and carefully carry out the twins, she shuts the door and turns off the car as she goes inside.

At her presence arriving the pack lands, her parents greets her from the entrance of the living room.

"Camilla?" her mother calls in surprise

"Darling, what a surprise." her father says

Camilla smiles behind the agonizing pain she's feeling and hugs her parents.

"I just thought I'd stay for a few days since it's been a while and I miss you guys. " She says as her parents each take a twin.

Theo and Rosalie share a look as they know what's going on, they know Camilla wouldn't just show up unannounced on a random day. Just then, the front door burst open and Camilla turns around and sees her brother and her best friend, who she hasn't seen since she left.

"Camilla!" Benedict calls in surprise

Both men engulfs her in an embrace, that's when Camilla breaks down. She cries as quietly as she could but she knows they can still hear her. She hold up strong enough not to worry her parents, knowing well enough it's useless, but breaks down as soon as someone hugs her tightly.

Benedict mind links his parents to give them some space and will tell Camilla to talk to them about her problem later. They nod and go into the living room with the twins.

"Can.. I have some time with Parker?" Camilla says quietly

"Cam, are you sure you don't want to talk about it with your brother first?"

"I'm sure, I know how he'll react once I tell him and I just want someone to listen." Camilla says

Benedict nods, understanding his sister. He tends to go overboard with his protectiveness towards her when he finds out someone hurts her.

"I understand. Tell me when you're ready, okay? I promise I won't react rashly." Benedict says

Camilla nods and goes out to her favorite spot with Parker.

Meanwhile, Gina's marching towards where she could find Aspen while her mate and Kyle keeps an eye on Matteo. Once she found Aspen, she whips her wand out.

"I know I promised to use this on emergencies only so, I'm sorry Harley but this is going to be a one time thing." Gina mumbles, apologizing to her witch friend

Pointing the wand, the gloating Aspen screams when she starts to float and gets slammed against the wall behind her twice, her minions scream and run away. Gina drops her and she marches towards her, towering over her. Aspen looks up and her eyes widen upon seeing an enraged Beta Princess.

"B-beta Princess.." She stutters

Gina grabs her by the neck and pull her up.

"How. Dare. You." Gina speaks slowly, shaking with rage

"I-I don't know what you mean, Beta Princess." Aspen chokes out

Gina smirks and goes back to glaring, "You don't know what I'm talking about or are you just acting dumb and innocent like you usually do?"

"B-beta Princess, please.."

"Oh, now you have the guts to beg for your life?" Gina laughs humorlessly

Gina levels Aspen down and glares straight to her eyes.

"Not only did you sleep with half the men in our pack and have no dignity whatsoever, you have the guts to come up with a lie and kiss my brother who is your Alpha King and has a mate, and you want to beg for your life?!" Gina screams

"Nobody. Hurts. My. Brother." Gina says as she slams Aspen on the ground with every word

"B-beta P-princess.. please.. I-"

"You what?! Sorry?! Do you know what you did to your Alpha and Luna?! Why do I even ask, of course you know! You are fully aware because that was your plan, you disgusting whore!" Gina says as she punch and slap Aspen

Before she could throw another punch, her mate's scent engulfs her and he comes and pulls her off as guards pull up a bloodied Aspen, coughing and gasping for air while Gina is breathing heavily.

"Lock her up. She isn't allowed to have any visitors and no one is allowed to open her cells besides me, not even the Alpha." Levi says sternly

The guards nod and drag Aspen away. Levi looks down at his enraged mate, who is still breathing heavily and has tears on her eyes.

"This is the second time- how dare she?!" Gina says

Levi says nothing but comfort her quietly. A few hours later, Gina has completely calmed down.

"Levi, we have bring Camilla back or else.." Gina trails off

"Hey hey, she will come back. Don't worry."

Gina nods and rests her head on Levi as they go back. Back at the mansion, Gina goes up to Matteo's room but can't find him anywhere. Panicking, she searches every room and finds him in Camilla's old room.

"Matteo.." Gina calls quietly

Matteo slowly turns to his sister, looking like life has left him. Gina's heart aches at seeing her brother at this state, she goes him and embraces him in a tight hug.

"She said.. she wouldn't ever leave me.." Matteo says quietly

"I know."

"Then why did she?!" Matteo screams, pushing himself out of the embrace

"Matteo, this was never your fault and she left not knowing the whole story. We'll talk to her and bring her back, okay?"

"What if she doesn't?! What if she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore?!"

"That won't happen. Camilla loves you very much. Don't you believe in your love?" Gina asks

Matteo drops to his knees, breathing heavily.

He sighs, "I do but.. I don't know.."

"Everything will be okay. Camilla loves you, okay?" Gina says

She hugs her brother tightly as Matteo cries like he never cried. Matteo wonders why things like these happen to him so much.

What did he do to deserve such pain and unfairness.

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