CH 27

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Camilla's POV

It has been a few weeks since Matteo's announcement. Our warriors and boarder guards have been training diligently and so far, no one has caused any problems. While Matteo's busy with his Alpha duties, I've been busy with my Luna duties. It also has been weeks since we've seen each other and got intimate, or even just spend time with each other. Mom and Dad have been visiting frequently to come see how I'm doing and spend some time with Kaitlyn and Lance.

I'm currently with my Beta and Delta, Gina and Haley, discussing pack things related to the elderly, women, children, school, and the clinic; things to improve and help them feel safe after the announcement.

Haley groans as she stretches her legs and then slumps on her chair, Gina chuckles at her.

"Alright, let's take a small break." I finally say

"Thank the moon goddess! I've been waiting for you to say that for the past two hours! My back is killing me." Haley groans

I roll my eyes at my best friend and close the folder. The three of us leave my office and out of the pack house. With me in the middle, we start walking around the pack land and feeling the fresh, afternoon air. I smile as the cool air hits me gently.

"Parker would love this feeling right now, the cool air hitting you?" Haley says

I smile, "I miss him.. I wonder how he's doing."

We stop at a cafe for a coffee and dessert break. We enter and the people inside greet us with a bow and a hello. We order our drinks and food and then receive them after a few minutes. The three of us walk towards to the park and watch the children play while we eat and drink.

Watching the pups play with each other made me smile and want a few of my own. I imagine a little Matteo or a little me running around the mansion or my office as I get work done, spending time with their grandparents, or even just bonding with my pup on the afternoon as we stroll around the garden. Of course, I don't want one right now since there is a war and I don't want my pup to be in danger.

Gina and Haley express how they also want one of their own, we joke around about how Haley would probably be the first mom between the three of us.

After the break, we walk back to my office. On our way back, I hear someone call for my attention. I turn around and see Aspen. I turn to the girls and they roll or narrow their eyes in suspicion.


"I want to talk to you about something. Alone." She says

I turn to the girls and nod, signalling them to go ahead.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I ask

"You are not my Luna or a Luna Queen." She says nonchalantly, looking at her bright nail polish

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused. I dont care what our former Alpha said about Matteo finally finding his mate in another pack. I am his mate and I've been robbed of my title because of you."

"Oh, we have another delusional mutt in our hands." Carla says, rolling her eyes

"What makes you think you're Matteo's?" I ask, hiding a little smile from what Carla had said

"Because, we've dated before." She says, like its a solid fact

"Dated?" I scoff a little, "He doesn't trust anyone but his family. How could he date you?"

"You don't think I know?" She says

She smirks and comes close to my face, "We've slept together, and let me tell you, he drills me real good." She whispers

I growl at her disrespect and attempt to make me jealous.

"How dare this slut talk to us this way?!" Carla says, fuming

I smile sweetly at her, "You may have slept with my mate but who did he end up with?"

Her smirk drops and she glares at me.

I move closer to her ear and whisper, "You can try your damn best in getting into my head that my Matteo hooked up with you before and convince those around you that you are the destined Luna, but who's the Luna Queen now? The crown and ring don't lie."

I move away and see her fuming, I smirk. I recompose my composure and smile sweetly.

"See you around, dear." I say and walk away

As I walk back to my office, I was silently raging. I know my facts and I'm sure Matteo didn't sleep or dated anyone other than Jess, but since Carla is my other half, I was fuming with possessiveness and jealousy.

Night time came and I'm waiting for Matteo to come back. I'm a bit calmer than earlier since I had some time to talk to Carla. I sit on the bed as I wait for Matteo, meanwhile, I tell Carla to let me handle it and not to intervene no matter how possessive and how much she felt jealous and angry.

Two hours later, the door opens and Matteo sees me on the bed with arms crossed. He sighs.

"What is it, love? I can feel your emotions since earlier." He says

"Oh really?! He felt what we're feeling yet he didn't bother to stop what he's doing and come check on us?!" Carla growls

"Carla, calm down." I tell her

I look back at Matteo again. I stand up and walk towards him, standing a few feet away.

"Is there something you should've told me?" I ask, giving him a chance to tell me himself if ever it was true

His eyebrows furrow as he thinks, he looks back at me and shakes his head. I raise an eyebrow.

"Love, what is it? Just tell me what's bothering you." He says gently, touching my arms and caressing them

"Tell you? Okay, I'll tell you, you liar." Carla growls

Carla comes forward and takes over half of my being, by now my left eye color would change to hers. She made me shrug off his hands. Carla now controls what I say and how I act, her anger is so strong that I can't take back control.

"Tell me, love, did something happen between you and that shewolf slut Aspen?!" I ask

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