CH 33

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Camilla's POV

Carla and I shudder in disgust.

"Well, I don't think we have any other pleasantries left to say. It's time to end you all once and for all." Draya says, "Imagine that? The strongest and strictest royal pack of this generation is about to be a shame and embarrassment, and I have the honor to end you all." Draya laughs

Draya, Jack, and their rogue pack comes circling around us as I speak up before anyone could do anything.

"Red Moon, don't use your mind-links because it'll be useless. They can hear our mind-links." I say

Draya's smirk falls and it replaces with a scowl.

"I bet you already know how I found out." I say, "You have a very useless minion, Draya. He told me all your secrets before his very last breath." I smirk

"He is useless indeed, that's why I'm glad you decided to kill him off for me." Draya says, acting nonchalant though I could see she's bothered.

"I'll admit, you caught us by surprise. But do you remember what I told you on your Luna ceremony?" I ask

She waits for me to finish, glaring

"You'll never beat me, Draya. Even when you start to think you can beat me and kill me off, you've already lost. I'm not like any other she-wolf."

Draya scoffs. "That's really lame of you to say, Camilla. This isn't some TV show, this is real life and you're going to die." She says

She advances towards me with a hiss and grabs me by my neck.



They all scream for me as Draya holds me up in the air, grinning crazily.

"I should have known, you are the key. The only thing holding this pack sane and alive is you." She says, "Now, it's time for me to do the honor of taking out their sole purpose to live a happy life, because nobody else deserves to be happy if I'm not happy with mine!"

She draws her right hand back and channels her magic. A ball of black dark magic appears and increases in size, but before she could kill me, a ball of light hits her right in the chest and she lets me go with a groan. Matteo catches me as I cough and gasp for air.

"Are you okay?" My mate asks me

I nod my head as I catch my breath. I look up and don't see Draya in the air but on the floor clutching her chest, breathing heavily. Someone walks up beside us and the scent tells me it's Gina. My eyes trail to her and I see her burning with rage and determination.

"Your days are over, Draya. Surrender or I'll gladly take your powers away forever."

Draya laughs breathily, "You? A mere smelly dog is going to take the magic of the most powerful dark witch of this land? Please, don't kid yourself. You are just a practicing witch, dog. Let the real witches handle magic."

Draya tries to stand but she stumbles and falls.

Gina smirks, "I guess this practicing witch is actually more powerful and experienced than you think."

"Tha- That's not possible! You don't know anything about witch magic!"

"Oh? But, my mentor does, and she's a council in your community." Gina says, smirking

A powerful presence comes closer and soon we see an elderly woman standing beside Gina, who looks disappointedly at Draya.

Draya's eyes widen in shock, "G-granny?"

"Don't embarrass the family name any further, Draya. I can't believe you would stoop down to your sister's level and fight the wolves."

"They killed my sister, granny! What am I suppose to do?!"

"Your sister had it coming! She was foolish and power-hungry. She fought with our wolf friends and she had to pay."

Draya's eyes were now filled with confusion and anger, "She didn't deserve to die! And these wolves were never our friends because they attacked my sister first!"

Her grandmother sighs in disappointment, "You are so loyally blind following and believing everything your sister tells you. The royal family and the wolf community has been our friends for eons. Your sister lied to you, she lied about everything. Don't be stupid, Draya. You are smart girl with a lot of opportunities in our community."

Draya shakes her head, she screams in frustration and it seems like she broke free from Gina's hold.

"No! My sister isn't a liar! She would never lie to me! You are the one who's fooling me, Onyx told me you'd lie and deceive me. Now, I'm going to avenge my sister and kill these monsters!"

Draya snaps to me and comes running. Before she could reach me, a bubble appears and locks her in. She stops and looks around.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but this is the only way to stop you." Her grandmother says

Draya looks to her grandmother, with wide terrified eyes. She bangs on the bubble to break free as her grandmother starts chanting. Soon, the bubble is filled with smoke and soon after, Draya's painful screams and then it was over in minutes. Her grandmother sighs sadly as the bubble disappears slowly. The smoke floats up and with one snap of her finger, it was gone.

Now, Draya lies unconscious on the floor and looking different than her usual self. Her wavy, red hair was now blond, her once pale skin was now the normal color, her red lips was now normal pink, even her outfit has changed into a beige, long dress with one sleeveless strap.

"What happened to her?" I ask

"I've stripped her off of magic. She's now a human and would be living amongst us." Her grandmother says

She turns to us with an apologetic look, "I apologize for my granddaughters' behaviour and the trouble they caused you. Draya looked up and grew up with Onyx as her role model, you would see how and why she behaved that way. It was my fault for not taking her in when I had the chance. Anyway, Your Royalties, I hope you could pardon her as she won't be a thorn on your side anymore. I will also personally give her the punishment she deserves."

Matteo looks to Draya's unmoving body, "I really hope she won't cause any more trouble."

"Oh, she won't. I will make sure of it." She says, "Well then, I hope we can still repair the friendship my granddaughters have destroyed."

"We'll see."

She nods, she takes her leave with a man carrying Draya away. I look back at the rogues and notice the size has doubled down, what was left was now the hungry-driven rogues. With Matteo's command, the warriors easily and quickly killed them off.

"Your Majesties."

We turn around and see Levi and Kyle holding up Jack.

"This one tried to escape."

"What should we do with him, Your Majesty?" Levi asks

"You know what we do with trespassers and who attempts treason." Matteo says

They smirk as Jack screams for mercy.


hello everyone!

I'm so sorry for the long wait, though I said you guys wouldn't so long for the new update. But anw, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapters!

I would also like to thank you all for the love and support you've given to this book. I really appreciate the likes and comments you guys leave after a chapter.

The book is also almost coming to an end! There are a few chapters left before it ends so I hope you would look forward to the upcoming chapters!

With that all said, I'll see you guys in the next update!

x 🦁

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