CH 32

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Camilla's POV

My eyes widen as I see Daniel's crazed look on his face. He pushes me into a room and has me pinned on the bed. Fear washes over me as I realize what he's about to do.

"If I can't have you and you don't want me, then that monstrous mutt don't get to have you or this baby either!" He says, grinning crazily as his button is now undone and pants tossed aside.

I squirm to get out of his hold, but this only had him tighten it.

"You're not getting away from me this easily, not anymore."

"My love?" My mate mind-links me

Suddenly, Daniel growls angrily, "Don't answer his mind-link! For goddess' sake, you're with me!" Slamming his hand onto the head board, breaking it.

My eyes widen in shock, "H-how-"

"How did I know?" He laughs

"Draya's magic is truly magnificent. She casted a spell on Jack and I to be able to read mind-links. You weren't suppose to know that but it doesn't matter now, does it?" He says, squeezing my breast painfully

He grins insanely first before plunging his length into me, I scream in horror as he just violated me and he knows this is a way to kill my unborn pups.

"Maybe, I can have her cast a spell on you too, and make you love me once and for all." He says seductively as he thrusts once more

He barks out a loud laugh, "I'm going to enjoy this." He says, amusement in his eyes with a hint of anger and hatred

He begins to pick up his pace and I summon all my remaining strength to push him away, but my body doesn't cooperate with me. It responds with his thrusts and at that moment I felt dirty and disgusting. How could my body cooperate with this deranged lunatic?!

"Oh would you look at that, your body wants me." He says, laughing as he goes faster and deeper.

"N-no.. s-stop!" I scream as tears keep falling

Just then, the door bursts open and I smell my mate's overpowering scent. Colors drain from my face as I see him with pure black eyes, looking murderous and out for blood, Daniel's blood.

Daniel turns to look at my mate and his grin widens, "Enjoy watching me devour her, Your Majesty." He laughs, "You stole her from me after all, it's your turn to suffer!"

Before Daniel could release, Matteo ran like lighting and pulls Daniel off of me by the neck. He slams Daniel's whole body on the floor over and over again as I lay there still in shock.

"Nobody. Touches. What. Is. Mine!" Matteo, heavily laced with Mason's voice, angrily say as he slams Daniel on the floor on each word

On the final slam, I heard Matteo snap Daniel's neck, Daniel was now a bloody pulp and unmoving.

He's dead.

That crazy lunatic who assaulted me is finally dead and out of my life. Matteo released him from his claws, still breathing heavily, meanwhile I'm too scared to move or to breathe.

What if he kills me too? He walked in on me with Daniel on top of me, he must be hurt. His trust on me must be broken. He probably doesn't want me more.

Carla whines at that thought.

After what felt like forever, Matteo finally turns to me. His black-filled eyes that was out for blood was now his normal blue-green eyes with Mason's dark red eyes. His eyes meet mine and almost suddenly, I can feel him feeling all the things I felt when Daniel was on top of me.

"Baby." He says softly as he comes and hug me tight.

"I'm sorry. Please don't leave me." I cry, my tears fell harder and faster after the adrenaline and shock left my body

"How could you say that? I'm never leaving you. What happened wasn't your fault and I know it. I trust you enough to know it wasn't your fault. I could feel everything you felt remember?" He says gently

"B-but my body.." I trailed off, "I swear I didn't want it, I didn't like it." I cry

"I know you don't, my love. I know." He says as he calms me down

Matteo was known to have trust issues, mostly on women. That's the only reason why his pack is the strictest and strongest pack out there. To have him eventually warm up to me and trust me is beyond me but I'm so happy that he did.

He pulls away and looks at me, I just know he's calmer now.

"I love you." I say

He stands still, his eyes widen in shock.

"What.. did you say?" He asks quietly

"I love you." I repeat

His stilled face breaks into the biggest smile as he captures my lips in a loving kiss. I kiss him back and pull him closer. He breaks away and rests his forehead onto mine.

"I love you too." He whispers and I smile

Roars were heard and we break away, Matteo and I share a knowing nod and resume to our leadership duties. We run out of the room and out to the field. I hear Matteo's commands as we run in our wolf form to the war. Once we've arrived, the scene was horrifying. It doesn't make sense that we're losing. I hear Matteo command them to fall back and they did, the warriors come running to us and protect us with a defensive stance.

Draya levitates to us with a laugh, "You didn't think I would let you win easily, did you?"

The rogue's eyes shifts to me and his grin widens, "Hello, Your Majesty. I did warn, didn't I? You will soon be mine."

Matteo growls at that and the rogue smirks.

"Let me reintroduce myself to my future partner since the barrier made you forget who I am when you escaped." He says, "I'm Jack and your partner-to-be." He says, smirking

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