03 | harry potter

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"They paint me out to be bad so, it's okay that I'm mad"  - The Man by Taylor Swift

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"They paint me out to be bad so, it's okay that I'm mad"  -
The Man by Taylor Swift


— "AND DONE" ISABELLA SIGHED as she signed her name on the final piece of paper in front of her. "Paul, do you know the time?" She asked curiously as she began clearing up her desk. "Five to one" He announced after glancing down at his wrist watch. "Shit! I've got lunch with James in five minutes" Isabella realised.

"Wow, I'm surprised you forgot given how excited you were earlier" Paul teased as he poked her arm lightly. "Stop being such a plonker Paul" She couldn't help but laugh as she pushed him away from her. She grabbed her brush and walked over to the mirror in her office and made sure her hair was sitting perfect. "I know what will ease your nerves and get you to hype yourself up" Paul informed her as he walked over to the record player she kept in her office.

He pulled out an album from the cabinet below. The Queen 'Jazz' album to be precise. She watched him curiously as he placed the record on the player. Not long later a familiar song echoed around her office making her laugh a little at his song choice.

Fat Bottomed Girls.

"Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round!" Paul sang loudly as he pointed over at Isabella who giggled as he pranced around the room like Freddie Mercury. She had always thought that the resemblance between Paul and Freddie was uncanny but he always said he didn't see it. "You're bonkers, you know that" she said as she patted his chest lightly before he spun her around.

"Only for you my dear" He winked before they heard a knock at the door. They looked at each other before quickly heading in separate directions Isabella headed to open the door and Paul went to turn off the music. She opened up the door and was met with a smiling James. It didn't take her long to notice that he wasn't alone, her eyes immediately spotted the young boy standing at his side looking up at her.

"I hope you don't mind me bringing Harry, my friend Remus brought him to me because he was ill and there was no one else to look after him" James explained as he placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Of course not! It's a good idea that I meet him before you guys move in anyways" Isabella smiled as she looked down at Harry.

"I'm Isabella Love, it's nice to meet you little man, I love your shirt" She complimented as she admired his David Bowie shirt. "You like David Bowie?" He asked with a little excitement in his voice. "Like? I love him! He's a legend" She exclaimed making him smile. "Shall we get going?" James asked with a small smile on his face after witnessing their interaction.

Isabella nodded happily and they began walking, Harry walked in between her and James as he talked animatedly about Queen and David Bowie and how his Uncle Sirius taught him their songs. They had made it down to the main part of ministry where it was soon enough mobbed by cameras and reporters wanting to ask her stupid questions. "Go out the back door, I'll meet you outside in five minutes" she told James, not wanting to risk Harry's safety by being trampled by a bunch of adults.

James seemed hesitant but nodded nonetheless and led Harry out of there. Isabella made sure they were out before she began walking through the crowds of reporters. She knew if she had run with James and Harry they would have just followed. She kept a confident face as she walked strongly through the reporters who shouted questions at her.

"Were you telling the truth in your last interview?"
"Do you deserve your position Miss Love?"
"Many people have made a statement saying you're incredibly rude and unpleasant to work for, is that true?"
"We saw that you had three different lovers last year, when will you settle down?"
"Do you not think that a man is more suited to your position?"

She showed them no emotions and made sure she didn't give them a reaction. These reporters angered her, many people like this angered her. She knew damn well that if she were a man and did all the things she was accused off she would be seen as a great and strong leader. If she were a man they wouldn't write her off just because she was a woman. Everything she has fought for would come so much faster is she were a man.

She took in a deep breath to prevent herself from punching them in their faces. They continued shouting questions at her but she quickly stepped into one of the floos and soon she was outside. She looked around her surroundings and soon spotted James and Harry further along the street. As she walked towards her James noticed her as smiled. "You made it out alive then?" He joked making her laugh a little. "Just" She added as she reached him.


The trio walked into the sushi restaurant that was currently playing Crocodile Rick by Elton John. "Table for three please" James told the waitress who nodded and began leading them over to a table. She was an older woman with her grey hair pinned up in a perfect bun that had no hair out of place. "My names Polly, I'll be your waitress for this evening. Just shout me over when you've decided what you'd like" The woman explained as she handed them their menus before scurrying off to tend to another table.

"You've been here before right?" Isabella asked James who nodded in response, glancing up from his menu for just a second. "Any suggestions?" She wondered as she scanned the menu herself. "The rainbow roll is always their best" James informed her. "I'll have that then" Isabella decided happily but before James could respond he was interrupted by Harry.

"Can you play knots and crosses with me Bella?" He asked as he pointed at the little game on the corner of the kid's menu. "Of course!" She agreed making Harry smile and push the menu over slightly so that she'd be able to reach the game. He handed her a yellow crayon and let her make the first move. She was doing the knots and Harry was doing the crosses.

"Aw you're too good at this game Harry!" She sighed in light hearted defeat when he managed to beat her. "Can we play again?" Harry asked with a hopeful smile on his face. "We can play as many times as you like little man" she told him as she ruffled his hair.

Across the table James sat with a small absentminded smile on his face as he looked at the two. He had been a bit apprehensive about taking the job in case Harry didn't like Isabella but it seems like he had absolutely nothing to be worried about. They got along brilliantly from the moment they met and Isabella was very kind with him which James liked.

Since Lily left them Harry had been a bit distant with women, he mostly like talking to boys. Lily left them a couple months after the Voldemort incident. She said that it was a marriage of convenience and that she was sorry but she had to get out and see the world. It broke James but having Harry made everything just a little easier. She sends Harry postcards now and then but Harry's not seen his mum since he was six and he's now almost nine.

He was brought back from his thoughts by Harry talking excitedly about back to the future. "Did you know that there is a second movie coming out soon?" He asked Isabella whose eyebrows raised in surprise. "Really?" She questioned making the young boy nod. "I really want to go and see it" he said making Isabella smile. "I'll take you the day it's out" she told him making a bright smile appear on his face.

Yup, James definitely knew he made the right decision


Hello Lovies,

I this chapter is just kind of a filler chapter, the next chapter is going to be a very cute chapter about little Harry and Isabella which I'm looking forward to writing. I hope this chapter isn't to boring for you!

I love each and everyone of you lovely people!
Grace <3

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