We have issues

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Most of this makes no sense and isn't canon, but whatever. This was inspired by The Highschool Prince in goopy armor. https://www.wattpad.com/user/Abomination_X. Go check them out.

Nightmare couldn't possibly understand how his brother was so excited to go to school.

School was stupid.

Very stupid.

People were going to expect him to socialize.

He was not his brother.

But its not like he wasn't going to know anyone. He had Cross and Dream.

He sighed as they got out of the car. The taxi, more like it. This school was fancy or whatever. So it was far away from their house. He pulled out a paper from his pocket and walked ahead of Dream and Cross, who were talking.

"Could you guys move any slower? Seriously." He mumbled. Cross only rolled his eyes. 

"Come on mom. Relax. First day, new school, new beginnings." Nightmare only sighed. 

"Whatever. Come on. Lets go find our dorms." Hopefully Dream didn't share with someone who'd end up being a jerk, like what's happened in the past. He just let people walk all over him, so people would take advantage of his kindness. Hopefully he got a dorm with Cross or himself, so that he wouldn't have to deal with idiots.

"Yo, dude, do you even know where we're going?" He turned around and gave Cross the death stare. "Okay then. Whatever. Lead the way, Nightmare." He rolled his eyes and continued walking. Maybe he wanted him and his brother to share a room, and Cross get a room with a cow obsessed roommate. Hopefully he didn't have to share a dorm with a moron if he wasn't sharing with one of these two. He located the room, and saw that Cross' and Dream's were right across the hallway. At least it wasn't the end of the world. He looked at his dorm and saw his name and someone else's. Nightmare and Error. Who the fuck names their kid Error? He groaned in annoyance and opened the door. To his surprise, his roommate was already there. 

"I call bottom bunk. If you don't like the top bunk, go cry about it." 

"Wow. Rude." He mumbled. Error shrugged. 

"I get that a lot." Nightmare rolled his eyes. 

"Why don't you want the top?" His roommate shrugged. 

"I just don't." Nightmare had to admit, even though this guy was annoying, he had to respect that honest answer.

"Yeah. That's understandable. So, your name is Error?" The black skeleton nodded. 

"I know. Name sucks. What's yours?" 

"Nightmare." Error nodded. "

Cool. Don't touch me. I don't like that." Nightmare smiled. Some common ground.

Killer threw his bags on the floor and huffed. He wasn't one to judge a book by its cover, so he was just going to see how this school was for himself. He was expecting his roommate to get there soon, so he would know which bunk to take. Just then, a skeleton teleported in the room, bag slung over their shoulder. 

"Names Killer." The hooded skeleton smirked. 


"Who names their kid a monsters corpse?" Killer smirked. 

"Who names their kid a murder name?" They both started laughing.

"Yup. I'm going to like you. Do you want top or bottom?" Dust smirked. 

"Bottom. You better not jump on the bed or something stupid." Killer laughed. 

"Same to you." Dust shook his head. "

I won't." Killer went on his bunk. 

"Here." He said, tossing Dust his phone. "Give me your number." Dust caught it. "No homo though." Dust looked genuinely offended. 

"Yes homo." Killer smirked. New best friend.

"Okay, but like, what's your type?" Dust shrugged. 

"Innocents. How about you?" Killer thought about it. He had never really had a crush on anyone. 

"I don't know. Never had a boyfriend, never had a crush." Dust smirked. 

"We're going to have to work on that. By the end of this year, lets both try to have a boyfriend." Killer held out his hand. 


Horror really didn't want to be at a new school, but it couldn't have been much worse than his old one. He just hoped that his roommate ignored him. He sighed and opened the door to hear soft music playing with a skeleton on their phone on the top bunk. And this skeleton was kind of cute. 

"Hey. I called top. Is that okay?" Horror put his bags down and nodded. 

"Yeah. It's cool." The skeleton hadn't looked at him. Maybe he could keep it that way for the whole year.

"My name is Lust. What's your name?" This surprised Horror. 

"Oh uh... names Horror." The skeleton came down from their bunk and sat on Horror's bed, making him slightly uncomfortable. But this skeleton didn't scream. 

"I know that I'm wearing a crop-top, but I am a boy." Horror nodded too quickly. 

"Yeah. Okay." Lust raised an eyebrow. 

"You look uncomfortable." Horror shook his head too quickly. 

"I'm just surprised you're still talking to me." Maybe an angel was sent to take care of him. 

"Of course. I don't want to ignore my roommate when we're sharing the dorm all year." Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe the people at this school would be... better.

Ink opened the door to the room. The right room after many failed attempts. There was already stuff all over the dorm. He didn't mind. He dropped his bags on the floor and dramatically gasped. His new roommate, he guessed, came out from behind the stuff. 

"Oh, You're here! That's great! So, I hope you don't mind that I took the courtesy to decorate." Ink closed his eyes and waved his hand. 

"Yeah yeah. Its fine. Do you know how tiring it is running up and down three flights of stairs trying to find your dorm?" When he opened his eyes, the skeleton was staring at him, confused. 

"I found it pretty easily... Anyway, do you want me to arrange your stuff?" Ink sat up off the floor. 

"Nah. It's fine. I can do it. What's your name? Mine's Ink." The skeleton got stars in his eyes. 

"Hi. I'm Blue!" Ink nodded. 

"Okay. So, lets conquer the school together." Blue got this wicked smirk on his face. 


Geno came into an empty room. He didn't mind the quiet, but it was late now. His roommate should've already been there. He just put his bag down by the bed and laid down on the bottom bunk. Huh? His roommate's things weren't there, so they couldn't have come in. He turned over in the bed. Maybe this person was never going to come and he'd have this whole room to himself. That didn't sound bad. He smiled as he closed his sockets.

Yes. I know. Reaper is Geno's roommate, but he's being Reaper. This is my first chapter lol. They're all gonna turn into crackheads.

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