Killer does something stupid- Nightmare is sad

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Killer, Dust, Horror, Blue, Reaper, and Ink were standing on their shoulder, Horror being at the bottom, then Reaper, then Blue, then Dust, then Ink, and finally, Killer was on the top. There were no people here to tell them to not do this, so they did it. No Geno, no Error, no Dream, no Cross, no Lust, and most importantly, no Nightmare. Killer knew that if Nightmare saw them doing something this risky, he would kill them. But lucky for them, all those crybabies were busy. He felt so good being on the top. He smiled, and even giggled a little bit. He could've stayed up here forever. Killer heard Horror's voice, but couldn't tell what he was saying, so just shrugged. Suddenly, they started to wobble. Killer lost his balance and fell. It wasn't a hard fall, but it hurt. He landed on the ground with a thud, and the tower quickly disassembled. Horror and Dust rushed up to Killer to make sure he was okay. Killer was fine, except a couple of his bones were probably bruised.

"Guys, it's fine. I've fallen from greater heights." He tried to wave them off, but his hand was in an immense amount of pain the second he moved it. He winced, then pulled up his sleeve to check. His face paled and he stopped breathing. Nightmare was going to kill him. He was so dead. There was no way in hell that he'd survive Nightmare.

So, he'd just have to avoid him for the rest of his life. That would work. Killer attempted a smile. 

"It's fine. It'll heal by itself. It's just broken. I have to be extra careful, that's all." Dust looked pale and nervous. He was staring at something behind Killer. Confused and a little bit annoyed, he turned around. He almost screamed. Nightmare was standing there, glaring down at Killer. 

"How did this happen?" His threatening voice asked. Killer wasn't going to make it. He wasn't going to graduate high school. The one goal he'd set for himself and he wouldn't be able to achieve it. It was sad and hilarious at the same time. His boyfriend was going to kill him. That was literally the funniest thing in the world. 

"Oh, we were just messing around. Don't worry 'bout it." Nightmare continued to glare at him. Nightmare turned around and picked Killer up with one of his tentacles. "Hey, where are we going? Hello? I'm talking to you-" Nightmare stopped abruptly and turned around. 

"What the hell were you doing? How did this happen?" Killer rolled his eyes. 

"I fell. It's really not the end of the world." Nightmare sighed annoyed and continued to walk. He walked them all the way back to his dorm. He sat Killer down on his bed, and sat in front of him. Nightmare just looked at Killer and sighed. His heart dropped. His eyes widened the slightest. Killer looked down, a sudden feeling of sadness overcoming him. Nightmare silently wrapped a gauze around Killer's hand. Killer looked to the side, ashamed. Killer didn't understand why, but Nightmare seemed to be mad at him. He didn't know what he did wrong, but Nightmare was mad. Killer looked up as Nightmare put something away. "...Nightmare?" 

"I know it's not the end of the world, but you got hurt." Killer's eyes widened. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize-" 

"It's fine. Are you okay?" No. His bone was still in so much pain. But he didn't want to stress out Nightmare anymore then he already had. Killer attempted a smile. 

"I'm fine." Nightmare lowered his eyes, annoyed. 

"No, you're not. Again, Dream is my brother." Killer sighed and looked to the side. 

"I don't know. My hand hurts." 

"Well no duh, you broke it." Killer glared at Nightmare. 

"Well, I'm just gonna-" He pointed out the door as he stood up. Nightmare stared at him, something indecipherable on his face. Killer didn't know what Nightmare was feeling. He just remained neutral. "Nighty?" Killer dropped his hand. "Is everything o-" 

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