Nightmare, Geno, and Error disagree

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It was late in the afternoon. Like, really late. Reaper had no idea why all of them were still up, but they were. Well, it was no surprise Nightmare was up, Reaper doubted he ever slept. Or, if he did, it was like a bat. Upside down in a cave. It really surprised Reaper that Error was up, seeing as he always complained about being tired. Dream looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open, and Cross' eyes weren't even open. It also didn't surprise Reaper that the dumbass trio was still up. Killer, Dust, and Horror were all annoying Ink and Blue, who looked ready to kill. Ink looked really tired. Ink was really irritable anyway, so it didn't matter. Lust was just laying down next to Horror, and he too looked really tired. Reaper didn't know why they were up if they were so tired. It didn't make any sense.

And then there was Geno.

Ah, Geno.

He was just sitting on the bed, leaning on his hand, judging all of them. He looked cute, even though the most hateful things were probably going through his head right now. Finally, Geno sighed. 

"What is the point of this? Half of you are half asleep. Just go to bed." Killer clicked his tongue. 

"Uh, no. You think you can just tell us to go to sleep so you can win this? Ha! Pathetic. I've stayed up for days on end, and I'm going to win this." Geno sighed. Reaper still didn't understand. Even though they were having a competition, they should just go to bed when they're tired. But instead, they were being idiots. 

"Pathetic. Killer, I went years without getting barely any sleep. You staying up a few days isn't even an accomplishment." Killer scoffed. 

"Please Dust, don't brag about your illness. Besides, you're getting better, which means you're sleeping normally." Nightmare looked at the two of them with complete disgust.

"Remember brother, before you say anything, you're dating that." Nightmare sighed. 

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, Killer, what is wrong with you? Actually, what's wrong with both of you?" 

"A lot. I thought we already went over this." Nightmare looked so done with life. 

"Wait, do you even need to sleep, Nightmare?" He shrugged. 

"I don't know. But, this stupid competition doesn't mean anything to me." Killer laid back. 

"Can one of you just go to sleep? Literally that's all I'm asking." Reaper floated over to Geno, smirking. "

I'll fall asleep... in your arms." Geno dragged a hand down his face. 

"Okay, can anyone but Reaper go to sleep." 

"You know, I would go to sleep, but I don't want one of these morons to do something to me." Error said, glaring at Ink ad Blue. 

"I'll protect you." 

"Like I believe that. You're the worst, Geno." Reaper couldn't disagree with Error. Geno would most likely encourage them to do something.

"Someone, anyone, just sleep. Like, literally. Dream, come on. Your eyes are half closed." Dream hummed. 

"Yeah, well, since Ink decided to be friends with Blue again, I can't let either of them win." 

"Hey, since when did I decide to be friends with this lying cheater again? I don't remember that." 

"Okay, so, Ink, you promise you won't let Blue win?" 

"Promise? Ha! I swear on my life." Dream gave a thumbs up, before passing out.

"Ink, what was that? I thought we were cool?" 

"Well, you thought wrong." Cross was smiling down at Dream's unconscious body, and slowly closed his eyes to sleep. 

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