Cross and Killer receive a visit from different people

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Cross had some of the weight taken off his back. Now that Dust was getting better, he could sit back and enjoy the little things about life again. If he ever even did that in the first place. Just as he was about to leave the dorm, someone knocked on the door. Thinking it was Nightmare, he sighed, annoyed. He got up and opened the door, dreading Nightmare's face. But instead, he saw someone else.

"Hey bruh." Cross smiled. A wide, real smile. 

"Hey dude. It's been forever. How've you been?" Epic. His best friend that he had lost touch with. But, still his best friend. 

"I know bruh. I heard you were in town and I thought I'd come by and say hello. How long you staying?" Cross laughed.

"I'm going to school here. Crazy, right?" Epic laughed. 

"It's a small world. So, whatcha been up to? You get with Dream yet?" Cross blushed and shoved Epic. 

"Stoppp." Epic walked in the room, looking around.

"Really? It's been years bruh. You still haven't asked him out?" Cross groaned. 

"You know dude, it wouldn't kill you to leave my dating life alone." Epic shrugged. 

"Doesn't hurt either. Wait bruh." Epic stopped completely and looked at Cross. "Are you even friends anymore?" Cross growled. 

"Of course we're friends. It's complicated right now, okay?" Epic shrugged. 

"Okay, well, it shouldn't be complicated. Just date him. We all know you want to." Cross sighed, knowing that Epic wouldn't leave it alone.

"Well, I share a dorm with him. It's not like we barely hang out." Cross was actually on his way to meet Dream. "Are you here to catch up or to raid me with questions?" 

"Why can't I do both?" Cross sighed and started to walk out.

"Well, me and him were going to hang out. You can tag along. Or you can wait here. Are you going to be embarrassing?" Epic snorted. 

"Pshh, no. I would never do that to you bruh." Cross lowered his eyes. 

"Uh huh. Whatever. You say anything funny, I'm ditching you." Epic gave him a thumbs up. Cross didn't believe that he would actually keep his mouth closed about the fact that Cross liked Dream. Even though he kind of told him, Dream was really out of it and Cross wasn't sure if he heard. Which was fine. Whenever Dream was ready, Cross would be ready too. Except, Dream would never say when he was ready because Dream never said what he wanted or needed. Cross always had to figure it out. Which he could do. It's not like he couldn't read Dream. Cross sighed and looked back at Epic. 

"Okay. Fine. You win. How do I ask out Dream?" Epic pumped a fist in the air. 

"It's all about tone, bruh." Cross raised an eyebrow. 

"Tone?" Epic nodded. 

"Say something really sweet, but like in a flirty tone." Cross lowered his eyes.

"Dream can't take a hint to save his life." Cross had tried to do that multiple times. But Dream never got the hint. Cross tried and tried to flirt. But Dream just played it off as him being nice. 

"Well, you can straight up ask him out." Cross stopped.

"If I did that, he'd say no, and our whole friendship would be over." Epic tilted his skull back and forth. 

"Well, I mean... it's Dream." Cross glared at Epic. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Epic rocked back on his heels. 

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