Killer and Nightmare breakup- little Ink and Error moment

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Nightmare wasn't listening to Dream. He was too wrapped up in his head.

"I think I'm gonna break up with Killer." Dream immediately stopped talking, snapping his head to him. 

"What, why?" He shrugged, still staring off into the distance. 

"School's ending soon. Long distance relationships never work." Dream's eyes widened. 

"Nightmare, dude, you can't just break up with your boyfriend because you're scared it's not gonna work out." Nightmare shrugged, standing up. 

"That's exactly what I can and am going to do." Dream jumped up.

"Brother, wait, can you please just think this through? Everything will be weird with our friend group. I mean, think of Dust and Horror. They're gonna be so confused on what to do. And poor Killer. You're gonna make him so depressed. Just think about this. Please?" Nightmare started walking, and Dream followed him. He wasn't sure why Dream was even bothering. He should've known that once Nightmare had something in his head, he was going to do it. 

"I did think it through. I mean, a lot of people won't care. It won't be weird for anyone other than Dust and Horror, and honestly, they can deal with it." Dream sped in front of him and Nightmare stopped, annoyed, and dropped his eyes. 

"Nightmare, you know I love you, and that I support you in everything you do, but come on. This is stupid. I haven't seen you happy like you are with Killer ever." Nightmare dropped his eyes, annoyed. 

"Are you insinuating I need someone in my life to make me happy?" Dream's eyes widened as he shook his hands. 

"No. No, that's not at all what I'm saying. I just... Nightmare, you should think about it. I know you like to be impulsive, and you know that I'll support you even if you do go through with this, but please don't. This will affect Killer too." Nightmare sighed. He knew it'd affect Killer. He didn't want to hurt him, in fact, he was doing this so neither of them would get  hurt. Dream might not have gotten it, because him and Cross have never been separated, but long term relationships didn't work

"Dream, I know what I'm doing. I've thought about this for a while, and this is honestly the best thing I can do for both of us. Killer will get over me." Nightmare wasn't exactly sure that was true. Killer was clingy. Very clingy. "I mean, it might take him some time, but he will." Dream's brows creased. 

"Nightmare, please, just think of how this is gonna hurt Killer. He's gonna be sad and depressed, and then he's gonna be all weird around you, then you're gonna get annoyed, then it'll only hurt him more... like, please, just use your brain."  Nightmare rolled his eyes, annoyed. 

"I am using my brain. Let me do this, Dream. I mean, I don't interfere with your stupid personal life." Dream sighed, looking down. 

"Okay. If you really wanna do this, I can't stop you, and I won't try to." 

"Thank you." And he walked right past him. Nightmare sighed, closing his eyes and shaking out his hands. "Okay. This isn't gonna be that hard. All you have to do is knock on his door and break up with him. Easy." He opened his eyes, letting out a breath and walking to Killer's door. He knocked, mentally preparing himself to see the look of heartache. Killer opened the door and beamed when he saw him. 

"Nighty! Hey! What's up? I was just gonna invite you over. Dust left to go hang out with Blue, so I thought you and I could hang out." He didn't want  to do this, but he had  to.

"Killer, I don't think we should be together anymore." Just as Nightmare had anticipated, Killer looked confused and panicked. 

"What?" Nightmare sighed. 

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