The Murder Time Trio Assemble- Also The Star Sanses

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Killer had the same Homeroom as Dust, so good luck teacher. They walked in to find a man sitting at a desk with a mug of coffee. 

"Names Mr. Green. I don't really care what you call me. Sit wherever you want." Killer nodded and dragged Dust by his sleeve to two seats in the middle of the circle. There was another skeleton monster there, a black one. He seemed to be covered in the same substance that was pouring out of Killers eyes. That was interesting. Next to him was accompanied another skeleton, who was wearing winter clothes.

"Socialize. That's your work." Killer didn't know if he would only be able to talk to Dust. 

"Yo, Kills, who we gonna talk to?" He had to think about it for a second. 

"Hm... Let's talk to the other two skeletons. The ones over there." Dust nodded his head and they both stood up and walked over. "What should we say?" 

"I don't know dude. Just be yourself." Killer sighed and walked up to them. 

"We're goop buddies." The black skeleton stared at him like he was insane. "Cause umm..." He started to trail off, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "Anyway, what's your name?" 

"Why?" Maybe this skeleton wasn't very social. 

"You know what, it's fine. It's cool." He walked back to his seat, Dust following him.

"Dude! What was that?" Killer stared at his hands. 

"I don't know. That was weird, right? I feel like it was weird." 

"That's because it was." Both the skeletons jumped. They turned to see who the voice belonged to. They saw a skeleton with a hole in their head. That was strange. "I'm not very good at socializing, but if you wanna talk to someone, don't back down." Killer nodded. 

"Yeah. Thanks." The skeleton nodded. 

"Names Horror." 


"Dust." He smiled. "So, what's the mission?" Killer looked back at the strange skeleton. 

"We talk to him. Have a conversation that's not one sided."

"Seems like a good plan." Dust said, nodding his head. Killer marched over to the two, Horror and Dust behind him. 

"What's your name?" The skeleton looked annoyed. Maybe Killer was annoying him by talking to him. 

"Nightmare. Why do you care?" He'd gotten a name. That was better than nothing. 

"Just trying to make new friends." Nightmare rolled his eye. 

"You're one of those extroverts. You should talk to my brother." Killer shook his head. He was going to listen to Horror. 

"Well, you seem like the kind of person who hates everything. I was just interested because of the goop? I have it too." Nightmare sighed. 

"What's your name?" Progress.

"Killer." Nightmare snorted. 

"That's a dumb ass name." Killer wasn't sure whether he was kidding or not, laughed nervously. 

"That's understandable."

Ink walked to homeroom with Blue. They had the same class, luckily. When they walked in, the teacher seemed to be asleep. Ink shrugged and dragged Blue to one of the seats. 

"Okay, so this is our first step. Conquer this class, it'll be so much easier." Blue nodded his head when another skeleton dressed very brightly sat in front of them.

"Go big. This class is not that big." Ink raised and eyebrow(?) 

"What's your name?" 

"Dream. But, if you want to conquer the whole school, start with the popular people." Ink nodded, this making much more sense. 

"You wanna help us?" Dream shrugged. 

"Sure. I don't that many friends anyway." Blue got stars in his eyes. 

"We can be like one of those trios that do really awesome things together." Dream laughed. 

"What are your names?" 

"I'm Blue and this is Ink. So, who's popular here?" They all looked at each other, waiting for an answer. 

"Well, I guess we can become popular. Then we would've taken over the school." Ink shrugged. 

"Sure. How do we get popular?"

"We could make a dramatic entrance?" Blue suggested. Ink sighed. 

"No. That would never work. We could prank the school." Dream sighed. 

"Well, we have all year. But yes, let's keep coming up with ideas."

"How many friends do we all have?" Ink asked. 

"My brother and someone else." Dream said, and Ink swore that he saw the slightest hint of blush on his face. 

"The more the merrier, right?"

Error sighed as he realized that the idiots he had to share homeroom with would be the most annoying. At least he was talking to someone that didn't seem like a totally moron. Some dumb idiot named Reaper started talking to him. He was funny and annoying at the same time, and Error couldn't understand how that was possible.

"You have a cousin that's supposed to be here?" Error nodded. 

"Yup. So, why didn't you go to your dorm last night?" Reaper waved his hand. 

"Oh, I forgot to come a day early to bring my stuff. I hope my roommate has a sense of humor. Who's your roommate?" Error slumped back in his chair. 

"Oh, just some dude named Nightmare." Reaper smirked. 

"That's a cool name. Be like so cool if he ended up being super nightmarish." Error had no idea what that meant, but he just left it. "So, we're friends now, right?" Error sighed. 

"Sure. It's up to you." Reaper looked like he was confused, but shook his head anyway.

"Cool. We should get to know each other than. My name is Reaper, obviously. I'm an amazing and funny person. I don't feel like there's much more than that. Oh, some people say I'm really annoying. I don't think that's true though. People just can't understand my awesomeness." Error rolled his eyes playfully.

"I hate everyone. I think I can be funny. Life is stupid and sucks, and I don't like being touched." Reaper nodded. 

"You're right, life is stupid. But hey, maybe we can go and be annoying crackheads together." Error didn't think of himself as a crackhead, his sense of humor was just a little bit different from everyone else's. But sure. This Reaper person didn't seem too bad. Who knows, maybe they would even end up friends.

Half of them hate socializing and just everything in general. But can you really blame them? Everyone can be annoying sometimes lol.

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