Dust isn't as recovered as everyone thought

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Dust was sitting at the table, eating food, when suddenly an uneasy feeling came over him.. a very familiar feeling. His hands started to shake, and his eyes widened. 

"Hey, yo, Dust, you okay?" It took him a second to realize that someone was talking to him. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at Killer, who looked worried. Killer had been talking to him. 

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Seriously, don't worry about me. I'm cool." Killer eyed him before going back to his previous conversation with Horror. Dust sighed and pushed his tray backwards, starting to stand up. 

"Hey, where you going?" His brain felt foggy and slushy, but he was able to move his head in a way that wouldn't arouse any panic towards Blue. 

"Hmm? Oh, I'm just going back to the dorm to get some rest. Big test tomorrow." He started to laugh nervously, but Blue eyed him. 

"Y'all, Dust is acting weird." Dust's face paled as everyone suddenly turned to look at him.

"No, I'm fine. I learned my lesson, I know to ask for help when I'm struggling. But seriously, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He walked off, slumping onto his bed the second he got in the room. Dust closed his eyes. Sighed. "I told you guys I'm fine. You aren't supposed to be here." When Dust opened his eyes, he saw Blue, Killer, and Nightmare. Not Cross. Dust turned and covered his head with a pillow. "You guys, I'm fine." Nightmare sighed. Well, Dust assumed it was Nightmare. Nightmare was the only one who sighed like that. Just then, the door opened, revealing Horror, Dream, and Cross. 

"No. You aren't fine. You need help." Dust scoffed, turning back over in his bed. 

"You know what? I'm fine. In fact, like I said, it's a good thing I'm getting tired." Nightmare sighed, and probably rolled his eyes. 

"No. You're falling back into your old habits and gonna become self-destructive again if you don't get help." An anger spiked through Dust, and he stood up.

"You're going to lecture me about self-destructive behaviors? You, of all people, you feel like you can judge me? Ha! That's hilarious." 

"No one is judging you, Dust. We're trying to help you." Dust turned to Killer. 

"Help me? You can't even help yourself. In fact, you just try and bury your face in everyone else's messes, just so you don't have to deal with your own problems. I mean, good thing you've got a boyfriend that's all over the place." Dream's eyes, crinkled in worry. Oh great.

"Dust, it's not like that. We just didn't notice that you were struggling again." 

"Okay, first of all, it's exactly like that. And secondly, it's not my job to make you feel better about being a shitty friend, okay?" 

"Hey, you can't just say-" 

"Don't even say anything Cross. Don't get me started. The list of your problems seems to be-" Dust laughed, "-endless. Don't go lecturing me on my shit when you can't even handle your own." Dust looked at Horror, ready to go off on him to. But Horror only looked sympathetic, slowly turning into something more like understanding. He said nothing as Dust brushed past him. 

"Where do you think you're going?" 

"None of your business." Someone grabbed his hand, and he turned to see Blue. 

"Dust, we're worried about you. We just want to make sure you're okay. That's all. Come on. We can sit together and watch a movie, drink hot coco, whatever you want to do. We'll do it, okay?" Dust snagged his arm back. 

"Leave me the fuck alone. Why can't you guys be like Horror and just piss off? Don't you get it? I don't want your help, I don't need your help. It is that simple."

"Oh brother, look what you've done. You've pushed away every single person that gives two flying fucks about you." Dust's eyes widened. 

"I'm so- I'm so- I didn't mean any of that, you know that, right?" Dusttus laughed at Dust's pathetic attempts to make everything right again. 

"Look at how their looking at you. Such a sad, lonely look. It's the look of betrayal." Dust closed his eyes and shook his head. He could fight it. He could ignore it. He could- "You think you can get rid of me? I made you who you are. I am a part of you that you can never get rid of." Dust was so tempted to scream at him to shut up. But that wouldn't do anything. 

"This isn't real. This is just a dream. I'm going to wake up, and everything is going to go back to the way it's supposed to be." 

"Oh, but you can't just do that, now can you?" 

"And since this is a dream, there's a few things I'd like to say to every single one of you." Dust sighed, trying to relax. "Dream, you can't just neglect yourself to make sure everyone else is okay. Cross, you need to stop being so defensive and guarded. You're just gonna hurt yourself more. Horror, whatever happened in your past doesn't define your future. Killer, you're a great person, but you need to start focusing on yourself. Nightmare, you can't just ignore your own problems by fixing everyone else's it doesn't make them go away it just makes them worse. And Blue-" Dust grabbed dream Blue's hands. "Even though you're a lying, filthy cheater-" Blue lowered his eyes, annoyed, "I love you. You're a good person, and you always think of others. I love you for how much of a kind, considerate person you are. I love the way you make me feel about myself." Dust looked around at all of them. "I love the way all of you make me feel about myself. And when I wake up in the morning, I'm going to look in the mirror and tell myself that it'll be a good day, just like I do everyday. Except this time, it'll actually be true." Dusttus was gone, and Blue was a blushing mess, looking as if he were about to blink out a tear. "Okay. I'm ready to wake up now." Nightmare smiled at Dust. 

"Dust, this isn't a dream." Dust's eyes widened. 

"What do you mean this isn't a dream? No no no, you can't say that to me. You're not real." Killer was also teary eyed, and so was Dream. Blue scoffed and looked up in the air, trying to blink back tears. 

"This is so stupid I don't know why I'm getting so emotional." Horror let his shoulders slouch back, and he smiled at Dust. Cross smiled too. 

"You did good, kid." Dust's eyes widened, realizing that this, in fact, was not a dream and he just spilled his guts to every single person in the room.

"Haha, got you. That was funny, wasn't it? Wow, you know, when Ink told me I should try out for drama, I really didn't believe him, but here we are. Crazy, right? You guys promise to put in a good word for me?" Killer walked up to him, and Dust started to panic. "Right?" But he tackled him in a hug. 

"Who cares if you thought this was all a dream, at least you're okay, and that's all that matters." Dust smiled and hugged Killer back. When they were done, Blue was right in front of Dust. Dust blushed, panicked. They hadn't said I love you yet, and Dust just said it five seconds ago.

"You know, I was just-" Blue kissed him. He just kissed him, and Dust didn't know how to react to it. 

"You know, I'm glad you thought this was all a dream, 'cause I love you too."

Dust woke up the morning after. He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth, and when he looked in the mirror, he smiled. 

"Today is going to be a good day."

Idk what to put here. Y'all, who else should I give problems to? I feel like Horror and Dust would have like a mutual understanding and respect for each other, but idk. Anyway, happy lunar new year, or whatever.

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