Cursed sleepover pt 2- also Error is confused

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"Okay. I think that enough tears have been shed. So, what should we do now?" Nightmare rolled his eyes. 

"Who knows how to cook?" All of them except Killer and Nightmare raised their hands. "Cook some food. Go in the kitchen. Don't be gone forever." The seven of them saluted and left. Killer and Nightmare were alone. Nightmare studied the small skeleton. He seemed nervous, on edge. Nightmare couldn't possible understand why. That was the last possible emotion Nightmare would've expected from Killer. "You seem on edge. What happened?" Killer shook his head extremely fast. 

"I'm not on edge. I've just never kissed someone before." Nightmare almost burst out laughing. But he did have some dignity. 

"So, I was your first kiss? Is that why you're being all weird?" Killer nodded, but he seemed embarrassed that he admitted that. Nightmare hummed. "There's nothing wrong with that. So, how was it?" Killer stared at Nightmare, confused. 

"It wasn't bad? I don't have a kiss to compare it to." Nightmare nodded. 

"I know, but I mean for you was it good?" Killer looked away, but nodded his head. Nightmare smiled softly. 

"Good. I'm glad." Killer stared at him, confused. 

"I'm confused. Why are you being nice to me?" Nightmare couldn't help it this time. He burst out laughing. 

"I don't hate you, so that's partially the reason. Besides, I'd have to be a terrible person to make fun of your first kiss, especially when it was me. I mean, that's part of the reason I sent them away. What did Dust want talk about?" Killer's face was red once again. 

"Oh, he was just saying that he might not have enough snacks." Nightmare lowed his eyes, suspicious. 

"So, you came out looking like a tomato, because of snacks?" Killer stared at him, annoyed.

"Well, sort of? I mean, he was saying other things too." Nightmare sighed. 

"Whatever." He knew Killer was lying, but he didn't want to push it. He had no idea why. If it was anyone else, he would've kept pushing. He didn't know how he could have so much respect for such a small skeleton. 

"So, what's up with your brother and Cross?" Nightmare sighed. 

"They have, like, the biggest crush on each other. It's been that way ever since Cross started staying with us." Killer stared at him, confused. 

"Wait, Cross lives with you guys?" Nightmare nodded. He didn't have Cross' permission, so he wasn't going to say more. "How rich are you?" Nightmare looked at him, confused. 

"What? Everyone has a guest room in their house." Killer shook his head. 

"That's only true if you actually live in a house." Killer mumbled. Nightmare studied him once again. He seemed genuine, although Nightmare wouldn't see why he would fake something like that.

"What do you mean?" Killer stared at him, surprised. Maybe he hadn't meant to say that out loud. 

"Nothing. I didn't mean to say that. Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." Nightmare sighed and stood up. He hovered over Killer and sat down next to him. Killer was looking the other way.

"I won't judge you. But you can't just say something like that and expect me to forget about it. So, what happened?" Killer sighed. 

"I don't know. I just..." Killer looked down at his hands. "My family died when I was little. I've been in and out of a lot of homes. I wish I had a friend that I could stay with. I think that my new family only sent me here to get rid of me." Nightmare felt a sudden urge to comfort the small skeleton. And, despite everything in him screaming not to, he hesitantly wrapped Killer in his arms. 

"This doesn't mean we're friends, by the way." Nightmare mumbled. Killer laughed and wiped his nose(?)

"Thanks, Nighty." Nightmare flushed. "You're welcome."

Cross threw some flour at Dream's face. 

"Why?" Cross laughed. 

"Because you've been to uptight lately. Let lose a little. Have some fun." Dream sighed. 

"Okay. Just help me make these cupcakes." Cross nodded and slid the tray into the pre-heated oven.

"So, why were you being all awkward? You're always awkward lately whenever we spend time together." Dream blushed and mixed the frosting. Cross interested him. He might've even been in love with him. He came with so much baggage. His life had been so hard. Dream wanted to help him. Not fix him, help him. To Dream, Cross was perfect. He just wished that he could make Cross see how perfect he was. "You've got that cute thinking face again." Cross teased and Dream tossed some frosting at him. He wiped it off his face with his finger and licked it. "It needs a little more of that magic Dream touch that you have." Dream was going to melt into a puddle and die.

"Cross?" Cross hummed and looked at Dream. He looked down again. "Never mind." He whispered. Cross playfully nudged him. 

"If you ever decide to tell me, I'm always right here." Dream smiled. 

"I know."

Error was sitting on the bench in the park when a skeleton walked right past him. 

"Hey." He called out. The skeleton turned around. "What are you doing out so late?" The skeleton shrugged. 

"I'm going to make some food in the kitchen. Or attempt to. Do you know how to make food?" Error chuckled. 

"Depends. What are you trying to make?" The skeleton shrugged. 

"Any recipe would be nice." Error nodded. 

"Yeah. Well, you could always try to steal some granola bars." The skeleton nodded. 

"Thank you!" And he jogged off. That skeleton reminded him of Squid. He wasn't sure how, but somehow his posture reminded him of the same skeleton he'd grown fond of. He should message him. Ask him about it. He pulled out his phone.


Hey... I ran into a skeleton today


Really? Lol

He was being sarcastic. This was something that Error had not liked about this skeleton. Every time he'd ask him something serious, he'd reply with a sarcastic response. It wasn't a bad quality, per say. It was really just more annoying. He sighed and turned off his phone, leaning his head back against the bench.

I imagine Ink to be sarcastic. Its so hard to find time to write when I have to do school work. T_T. But, happy Saturday, or whatever day you're reading this.

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