Evil lunches and evil introductions

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Killer felt like he was annoying Nightmare. 

Maybe he was, but hey, he still talked to him.

Maybe Nightmare was just acting annoyed and really liked them. The three of him really pestered him, Killer could tell, but it wasn't to the point where he was actually mad. At least, that's what Killer thought. They were at lunch, and Killer found the table he was sitting at and sat down right next to him. 

"Heya Nightmare." The skeleton rolled his eyes, but it was playfully, Killer could tell. Dust sat next to Killer, who sat next to Nightmare. Cross, Horror, and two other skeletons sat across from them. 

"Brother, these are idiots. Idiots, this is my brother." He motioned to the lighter skeleton. 

"And this is my roommate." Horror said, gesturing towards the skeleton in a crop-top. 

"So, how's everyone doing?" Killer asked, stabbing his food. 

"I was doing okay until you guys came over." Nightmare mumbled. Killer slung his arm around his shoulder. 

"Ah, cheer up. We can be friends." Nightmare scowled. 

"Don't touch me. You aren't granted that access yet." Killer looked at him, questionably. 

"What's that me-" 

"I made some new friends, brother." The skeleton interrupted. He seemed to know what Nightmare meant. 

"Oh? Are they going to come and intrude and sit with us too?" He asked sarcastically. 

"Probably? I don't know, I didn't ask them." 

"Well, Dream, you should've." So his name was Dream. Dream and Nightmare. That made sense. Then another two skeletons slammed their trays down at the table.

"Okay, what's step one to world domination?" That took a dark turn quickly. 

"I was fine with the three of us. Then our table became a popular hang out spot. I don't know why. What did I do to deserve this?" Dream rolled his eyes. 

"Quit being such a crybaby. I'm glad you've made some friends." Nightmare scoffed. 

"These are idiots, not my friends." Killer understood that. 

"Hey, Kills, what class do you have after this?" Killer shrugged. 

"I think I'm just going to ditch and go back to the dorm. Who's in? We can have, like, a huge sleepover."  Nightmare tiredly sighed as he poked at his food. "

I don't even think I have a choice. My brother is obviously going to go, then force me to go. So, where's your dorm?" Killer got stars in his eyes. 

"Just follow us after lunch."

Error had somehow been convinced to bring Reaper to meet his cousin. Because Geno had decided to ditch homeroom. They went outside while Reaper was following Error. He didn't understand why or how Reaper convinced him. When Geno was in view, Reaper completely stopped. 

"Bro. You didn't tell me your cousin was hot." Error would've slapped Reaper if he could. 

"I'm not your bro. And ew, gross." Geno spotted them and waved. Error rushed over to the spot. 

"Hey there, handsome." Reaper flirted. Error felt second hand embarrassment. He knew how his cousin was. An extreme case of a tsundre. Geno looked at them questioningly. 

"Uh, Error, who's this?" Error sighed, annoyed. 

"Geno, this is Reaper. Some idiot that decided to follow me around." Geno huffed, embarrassed. 

"Well, don't call me handsome, you creep." And he stormed away. Seconds later, Error heard his phone ring. "Give me your friend's number. Now. Not a question." Reaper smirked as he read over Error's shoulder. 

"He totally thinks I'm cute." Error scolded him as Reaper snatched his phone. Error couldn't help his curiosity, so he looked over Reaper's shoulder. 

"Why do you want to know~?" Error could practically make out what Geno's face looked like now. 

Dream and Cross were just hanging out in the dorm. School was over for the day, so they were just hanging out. 

"So, Dream, if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?" Dream had to think about it for a second. He had really enjoyed helping people. Especially Cross. Cross, in a way, interested Dream. He had so many parts of him that you would have to look closer to see. He wanted Cross to know that he could trust him, even if they'd know each other for years. 

"I want to help people. What's a good job for that?" Cross smiled. 

"Of course you do. You're such a good person, Dreamy." Dream blushed, but Cross seemed to have no apparent reaction. "A therapist is probably good. I don't know though. You're a really good listener, but you are such a people pleaser. I still love you and all, but we got to work on that." Dream forcefully nodded. 

"Okay. I can do that." Cross lowered his eyes.

"See? That's what I'm talking about. You're allowed to say no, you know that, right?" But he wanted Cross to be happy. Cross had already gone through so much stuff. Cross, more than anyone, deserved to be happy. Dream wanted Cross to see how much he deserved to be happy. Maybe Dream deserved to be happy too, and he just didn't realize it. "What complicated thoughts are going through your head, Dream?" Dream snapped back to reality and shook his head. 

"None. I'm spacey today. Math is really hard." Cross frowned. 

"You're always 'spacey'. Come on Dream. I know you. What's really going on?" 

"Just overthinking. It's become a toxic trait of mine."

Nightmare had the whole room to himself. His roommate was out, and Nightmare didn't really care where he was. He liked being alone. But somehow, those idiots kept making their way into his thoughts. After the majority of them decided to just meet up later, Killer created a group chat to send the dorm number. He didn't understand that skeleton. He was small and yappy, but there was something else there. He was like a dog. Social, annoying, loud, but somehow, lovable. 

Nightmare had no idea how he could've possibly thought that about someone who was getting on his nerves constantly, but he couldn't help it.

Yes. Nightmare doesn't understand why he feels like that. School sucks, and I have a sore throat. I hate school more than all of them.

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