Cross has daddy issues- Dream tries to help

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"Cross? Cross wake up! Hello?" He opened his eyes to see Dream in his face. 

"Dream?" Dream slumped back and sighed. 

"You scared me." Cross looked around. 

"Where's Nightmare? What happened?" Dream shook his head. 

"Nightmare is just finishing up some stuff. In there." Dream pointed to the now on fire building. Cross' home. His old home.

"Why is he in there? Is he okay?" Dream nodded. Cross finally looked at Dream. Closely. "You're bleeding." Dream looked down at his torso. 

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it! Are you okay? You passed out." Cross glared at Dream. 

"What happened? Where is your brother?" Dream shook his head. 

"Don't worry about me. We have to take care of you first." 

"Dream." Cross grabbed his arm. "Don't shut me out." Dream shook his head. 

"I'm okay. I promise. We just have to get you to safety." Cross groaned. 



"What happened?" 

"I'll tell you when you're all better and I know that you're safe. Just rest. You'll be okay. Help is on the way."

Dream never told him what happened that day.

It was the same dream over and over again.

Cross just wanted to lay in bed all day and do nothing. But, he knew he couldn't. And if he told Dream, he would just tell him to take care of himself. It was fine. The day was over anyway. Cross covered his head with a pillow.

"Cross?" He groaned. He loved Dream, he really did, but he would never just let him be. 


"Are you okay?" This question caught Cross off guard. Dream always said 'I know you're not okay' and 'please tell me what's wrong'. But he never said those words.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." Dream sighed. 

"Okay... just know I'm here if you ever need anything." Cross lowered his eyes at Dream. 

"Why are you being weird?" Dream widened his eyes in surprise. 

"I'm not." Cross shook his skull.

"Yes you are. You never believe me when I say that I'm okay." Dream looked down at the ground. 

"Well, I just want you to open up on your own time. I don't want to force you." Cross looked down. 

"Well, I'm not really." Cross sighed and sucked in a breath. "It's the same dream." Dream looked at him. 

"The one with-" 

"Yeah." Dream looked down. Cross stared at Dream and studied him. He was so eager to help everyone else. He was so intent on making sure everyone was happy. But he never took care of himself. "What happened that day? And don't give me the 'it doesn't matter' speech because it does." Dream shook his head. 

"Why?" Cross glared at him. 

"You could've died that day." Dream stared at Cross. 

"So could have you." Cross sighed. 

"Dream. Just tell me." Dream sighed and looked up at the ceiling. 

"Why aren't you okay? What happened?" Cross stared at Dream, annoyed. 

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