Geno's gay for Reaper- Error and Dream are miserable for different reasons

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Geno didn't know what was wrong with him. Well, what was wrong with him recently. Geno has always been judgmental, rude, and just downright hot and cold. But he had actually started to like Reaper. It was crazy. It was ridiculous. But, he started to find himself happy when he was Reaper. Which was crazy. Right? He shook his skull and sighed. Error wasn't any help either. He laughed at Geno's misery. Some cousin he was. 

"Hey Geno~" There he was. Geno's favorite person in the world.

"What do you want?" Reaper smirked as he hovered in front of him. 

"You busy? Wanna hang in my dorm?" Geno scolded him. 

"We share a dorm, idiot." Reaper's grin only grew. 

"Ah. Yes. I forgot. I share a dorm with the love of my life." Geno was sure he was blushing so much right now. But he wasn't going to let Reaper know that. Reaper could go fuck himself for all Geno cared. But, even though Geno tried to deny how he felt, he knew he couldn't for long. Hell, he was already starting to lose that battle.

"Don't flirt with me. We've already had this discussion." Reaper settled his feet on the ground (Reaper can float, remember?) and continued to smirk. 

"The 'oh don't flirt with me because you're irresistible and I'll fall in love' conversation?" Geno scolded him. 

"I didn't say that." 

"Yeah, but you know you love me." Reaper acted like they were dating. They weren't. Geno wasn't entirely against the idea, but Reaper didn't have the guts to ask him out. 

"Well, since you asked, I'm actually hanging out with Error." Reaper's grin turned into a pleasant smile. 

"Oh cool. We can all hang out together." Geno shook his head. 

"No. It's just going to be me and him." Reaper nodded his head. 

"Uh huh." 

"Without you there." Reaper only nodded again. 

"I'll see you later tonight hun~" Geno wanted to scream and throw something at Reaper to knock some sense into him. But he wouldn't do that. He wasn't an idiot. Well, he wasn't that big of an idiot.

"Well, I'm not going to be the one who gets mad, Error will." Reaper waved his hand. 

"Ah, he'll get over it. Now, I've got to go get ready for our date tonight." Reaper started to walk away, and Geno wanted to kill him. Who just... talked like that? Did Reaper really not experience any shame? It didn't really matter. Error was sick. Geno was going to take care of him. Maybe Reaper would be dumb and get sick. Geno smirked.

Dream was so bored. Bored couldn't even begin to describe how he was feeling. He wanted to scream at the teacher, telling him that no one cares about what happened a million years ago. But, he didn't. He fantasized about it, but he didn't. So, he tried to entertain himself.

"Hey. Cross." Dream whispered, getting Cross' attention. Cross looked up and smiled. 

"Hey Dream. What's up?" Dream leaned back in his chair. 

"I'm bored. Wanna ditch and walk out?" Cross smirked. 

"Your new friends have influenced you. So, we just bolt?" Dream nodded. The teacher wasn't even paying attention anyway. So, Dream slowly stood up and made his way to the door, before running out of the class. Cross and him met up at the end of the hallway and laughed. "So, wanna go back to our dorm?" Dream shrugged. 

"I mean, we've got nothing better to do." Dream couldn't believe that he was ditching a class. It wasn't morally wrong, per say. He just never saw himself in a position where he'd be so bored in a class to just ditch it. His brother used to ditch all the time, but that was different.

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