Stupid shenanigans that get skeletons in trouble

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The eight of them (Ink, Cross, Dream, Reaper, Dust, Horror, Killer, and Lust) hatched the perfect plan. Nightmare, Error, and Geno stood and watched, annoyed. Though, Ink could tell his boyfriend wanted to be a part of this. Today was the day they'd finally get revenge on Blue. Maybe he'd die, maybe he wouldn't. When they discussed this, Dust agreed that he was perfectly okay with being single. In fact, he said he couldn't wait to be in a relationship with someone who he knew he could trust... maybe that was a bad thing. Ink didn't know a ton about relationships, but wasn't trust a key component? 

No, that couldn't be true. None of them seemed to trust their partner, Dream and Cross being the exception. Well, maybe Horror and Lust trusted each other. But Ink sure as hell didn't trust Error, Error didn't trust anyone, and Nightmare also didn't trust anyone. Dang, maybe it was their friend group that was the problem. Maybe it was normal for people to trust each other. No, that couldn't be right. 

Whatever, whether or not there was a problem with Dust and Blue's relationship, Ink was still going through with this plan. In fact, most of them would- Ink shook his skull. 

"Okay, so, everyone know what they're doing?" The seven cooperating nodded, while the three judgmental assholes rolled their eyes. 

"You know, this is going to backfire, and when it does, it's going to be hilarious." Killer shoved Nightmare's skull, which Ink snickered at. 

"You know, even if this does backfire, it's one person against eight people. It'll never work in his favor." Ink spotted Blue walking out of his cooking class. 

"Everyone shut up it's time." Dream nodded as he stepped into the hallway, executing phase one of their plan. "Okay, Dream is in position, is the trap ready?" When Ink looked back, Dust and Killer nodded at the same time. 


"Great. Now, in three, two, one-" Dust and Killer ran to either side of the hall, holding the rope tight. It was  nearly impossible to see, but Ink knew it was there. "Great, phase two, done. Cross, your time to shine." Cross walked up behind Dream and whispered something in his ear, no doubt that they were ready. Dream beamed and grabbed Blue's hand, running towards them. "Great, now, Reaper, you know what you're doing?" Reaper gave a thumbs up, tripping Dream just in time. It gave Blue the extra boost, which knocked him into the rope. He turned to them, confused. 


"Horror, now." Horror dumped a bucket of blue paint over his head, Lust unfolding the banner that said cheater. Ink snickered as he took a selfie. "Oh, look, guess what Blue? Everyone believed me when I told them the truth. Guess who doesn't have an alibi now." Blue scolded Ink, who only laughed and pointed at him. 

"You know what Ink? I don't care. I don't care. In fact, it touches me that you went through all this trouble, just for 'lil 'ol me." Ink's eyes widened. 

"What? No! That's not what's happening!" Blue clicked his tongue. 

"Hmm, you sure? Because you did all of this for me. I feel so important right now. I would've never gone through all this trouble for you." Ink growled. 

"That's it. Dust, I'm sorry. You know, there are plenty of better options." And Ink charged. Blue dashed down the hall, and Ink followed him. "I am going to burn you alive. Whatever the most painful way to die is, that's the way you're dying." Blue turned around and clicked his tongue. 

"You're going to have to catch me first." Ink growled. 

"I am going to destroy you." Blue raised his eyebrows. 

"Oh, kinky." Ink stopped. 

"Ew, not like that. Pervert. You disgust me." 

"Hey, it ain't my fault that your boyfriend can't satisfy your gross needs." Ink squirmed. 

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