Chapter 13

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It was the beginning of August, and me and Kenzie were on our way to the studio. Rihanna had called me last week and told me she wanted to work with me on Everything. Me and Kenzie were super excited to meet her. We walked into the studio to see her writing.

“Hey girls! I’m so glad to finally meet you Skylar! And who’s this?” she asked smiling, looking at Kenzie.

“This is my best friend Kenzie. And I’m even more excited to be here. You know, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have won my school talent show I wouldn’t even be here right now.” it was true. If it wasn’t for her song, I would have never even performed, I wouldn’t have met the most important person in my life right now.

“Well, you’re welcome. Now about this song…” we spent a couple hours making the song perfect. I called my manager, my moms friend back home who used to be a manager for some other singers a couple years ago, and told her about the progress me and Rihanna had made today.

“That’s great! When do I get to hear it?!”

“Uh, whenever you can make it to Florida.”

“I’ll book a flight for tomorrow morning! I can’t wait to hear it!” she said and hung up. I had been trying to keep myself busy, so I didn’t think about Kells too much. I found myself falling asleep at midnight, just to wake up at 2 am and stay up. Everyone tells me I need more sleep, and I try. It just seems impossible. I’ll either sit in the living room with the TV on, or sit at the kitchen table and write in my new notebook. Sometimes I don’t even write, I just sit there a lot of the time. This time apart has been driving me crazy. We talk everyday, but it’s the same thing every day. He has shows every night and parties most of them, and me and Kenzie either party, or sleep. When Kenzie’s at school, I work on my music. I felt like we weren’t as close as we were before we all left Cleveland. I miss him, the boys, and Ash. I was going crazy with all this quiet that I wasn’t used to.

“You okay?” my brother asked when I walked in the house and fell on the couch. Kenzie and our moms weren’t the only ones noticing my tired face everyday.

“Just tired. Just came from the studio.” I said, eyes getting heavier and heavier the longer I laid down.

“Well, you better wake up. Everyone’s Skyping tonight. We have it set up so we can see each other on our flat screens.” Josh said, focusing on his game.

“Which means, you go get ready. And by that I mean go make yourself look alive. And you, Josh, give up on this game already. You’ve died 5 times today” Kenzie said, snatching the controller from him. I went to the bathroom in my room and washed my face and put some make-up on. I decided to straighten my hair since it had been up all day. I walked back out to see they had already been talking. They were laughing when I walked out.

“Sky! I miss you best friend!” Dub said when he saw me.

“I miss you too best friend. I miss all of you.” I looked at everyone that was sitting around their TV, and saw Kells was missing.

“Where’s Kells?” I asked, confused.

“Sleeping. You want me to wake him up?”

“I’m comin’” he said, sounding annoyed.

“Is he okay?” I asked Slim.

“He’s tired. He hasn’t been getting much sleep.” I nodded, understanding exactly how he felt. I was going through the same problem, only not for all the same reasons. He looked at me plainly, like he didn’t care he hasn’t seen me in weeks.

“Well…this is awkward…” my brother said.

“How’s Florida?” Ashleigh asked us.

“Warm. Sunny. I like it here.” my mom said.

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