Chapter 35

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Things between me and Colson weren't getting better or worse. Mostly because we were always in different parts of the house and he had been falling asleep on the couch in the studio. I didn't know what to say to make things better, or if I should even be apologizing for what I had said that night. He still didn't seem to understand that he should be here sometimes instead of being out all day. Casie had been here since this morning, and kept asking where her dad was, and I didn't even know.

"He's working Casie, he should be home later."

"Can I play Just Dance until then?" I nodded and she ran into the living room. I heard a knock at the door, and knew it was Kenzie so I went to answer it. She was coming over to talk about the wedding, since she didn't know when they were having it. She had said she wanted to start super early in case of any tours or anything. We talked about who to invite and of course the food, since the EST Boys like to eat. When the boys were mentioned, she looked around, confused.

"Where's Colson and the boys?"

"I have no clue where Colson is. But everyone else is downstairs. He left this morning and hasn't been back yet."

"He knows Casie's here this week, right?" I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing what was going on anymore. "Well, I have an idea you're sure to like." she smiled, which worried me a little.

"What is it?" she laughed when she saw me get worried.

"Nothing bad. I'm gonna come spend the night and we're gonna have a movie night and eat a bunch of junk food like we used to back in High School. Me, you, and maybe Casie and Ash if they wanna join."

"Okay, you say 'back in High School like we're like 40 or something. And Ash is busy all day and probably tonight. Just you, me, and Casie if we can get her to stop with that damn game." she laughed and we went to pick out some movies for tonight. She went home and got her stuff, even though she'd end up borrowing something of mine. While she was gone and I was upstairs picking out a bunch of movies, I heard Colson and Slim downstairs. I walked to the top of the stairs and Slim was the only one who seemed happy to see me.

"Hey girl, we missed you." he hugged me as he walked past me.

"We all missed you guys too." I looked up at Colson who rolled his eyes. "Okay, if there is anyone you want to see, your daughter is in the living room. It's her 2nd hour on Just Dance." he sighed and stopped me from going back upstairs.

"I'm sorry Sky. I hate being mad at you, and you being pissed off at me is hell. I'm sorry I haven't been home a lot. I know I should be here with you and the kids, but I have work that needs to be done too. I love you and you know that. No matter how much we argue and no matter how much I'm gone." I smirked as I looked up at him.

"Why such the attitude last time that was brought up then?"

"I have a natural attitude girl, you should know." I laughed and hugged him. I knew we all couldn't stay completely happy in this house though.

"Mean Girls Kenzie?" she nodded and laughed. "We've seen this movie ten million times though!"

"I know. Might as well refresh our memory on every single line of this movie." she took the bowl of popcorn from my hands as she sat down on the bed. We were hanging out in her old room so no one would bother us. It was nice to be hanging out with my best friend like we used to, before our lives were changed. Once the movie was over, she turned the TV off. 

"Hey, what happened to movie night?" I asked as she sat at the end of the bed, facing me.

"Now it's sit and talk about our crazy lives night." I rolled my eyes and sat up.

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